Latest news – Page 2767

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    Highly commended


    Swindon health promotion service's No, There is No Problem Here project

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    Category: Collaborative working



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    Category: Risk management



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    Highly commended


    Brighton Health Care trust pressure damage prevention strategy

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    More bricks than kicks



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    Newham General Hospital, opened in 1983, was one of the first 'Nucleus' hospitals, built using a standardised scheme.


    Newham General Hospital, opened in 1983, was one of the first 'Nucleus' hospitals, built using a standardised scheme.

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    From showpiece to shambles - St Mary's Hospital, Isle of Wight


    The average hospital maintenance problem is likely to pale into insignificance compared with the latest catastrophe to hit the showpiece low-energy hospital on the Isle of Wight.

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    'A quart in a pint pot': Nucleus reconsidered


    On the 1979 Man Alive programme, William Tatton-Brown voiced his opposition to the Nucleus building programme. 'The responsibility of standardising and committing the whole country to a single concept is far too great for anybody to carry,' he said.

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    'Fantastically different': Chelsea and Westminster Hospital


    Five years since the opening of the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Pam Castro still gets people saying: 'Oh my God,

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    Cold remedies


    As winter pressures begin to bite, one health authority is better able to cope, thanks to multi-agency workshops which also involved local elderly people.

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    Taking the pressure off


    Ideas from the workshops

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    Quasi for you


    A revolution in social policy: quasi-market reforms in the 1990s Edited by Will Bartlett, Jenny Roberts and Julian Le Grand The Policy Press 341 pages £16.95

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    Revolution comes full circle


    Rethinking IT and health Edited by Jo Lenaghan Institute for Public Policy Research 160 pages £7.50

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    Country and western


    Critical challenges for healthcare reform in Europe Edited by Richard Saltman, Josep Figueras and Constantino Sakellarides Open University Press 424 pages £19.99

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    Back-injury case paves way for delayed claims


    legal briefing

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    Trust faces pay-out for death of heart patient


    Norfolk and Norwich Health Care trust faces a fine of more than £20,000 after admitting breaching the Health and Safety at Work Act, causing the death of a patient.

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    Mediation's time has come


    Is there a message for the NHS in the agreement by 14 insurers in the professional indemnity field to use mediation rather than litigation to settle claims when possible?

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    in brief


    Applicants who are refused legal aid in medical negligence cases will be able to have the merits of their case reviewed by the charity Action for Victims of Medical Accidents under new arrangements being introduced by the Legal Aid Board. AVMA will draw up an independent report, to be available ...

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    in person


    Royal Berkshire Ambulance trust also has two new non-executive directors. They are Kenrick Sealy, a management consultant and nurse adviser, and Ian Mihell, a retired local authority manager.

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    Scottish health minister Sam Galbraith has announced a £700,000 increase in funding for Scotland's air ambulance service. It will get two new helicopters and more paramedics to extend cover for remote and rural communities from 10 hours a day to 24.