Latest news – Page 2774

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    Time bomb


    primary care; GPs' night visits are more strongly influenced by the fees they are paid than by patients' needs, argues Steve Ainsworth

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    Evening all


    Public health; Setting targets to reduce health inequalities is a considerable challenge. And the public still needs convincing that local action can make any difference at all.

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    Buyer's market


    Books; Managing public involvement in healthcare purchasing By Carol Lupton, Stephen Peckham and Pat Taylor Open University Press 176 pages £16.99

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    Pulling out all the stops


    Health matters Sociology of illness, prevention and care Edited by Alan Peterson and Charles Waddell Open University Press 384 pages £16.99

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    Empathy is the enemy of the lawyer's bill


    Trusts and contracts By Andrew Coulson The Policy Press 318 pages £16.99

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    Right-on rude boy who left MPs all shook up


    Westminster diary; By Patrick Butler

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    Wider Lib-Lab remit hints at joint health policy


    Tony Blair and Paddy Ashdown's decision to widen the remit of the co-operation between their two parties has given rise to speculation that Labour and the Liberal Democrats might at some stage work together on health policy.

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    In brief


    Ministers are to issue guidelines to 'ensure greater national consistency in the uptake' of the controversial multiple sclerosis drug beta interferon. The government was responding to pressure from MPs and patients' groups over inconsistencies in the availability of the drug. Harry Barnes, MP for North East Derbyshire, claimed that only ...

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254. E-m

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    Monitor always suspected it, but now the truth emerges - the Department of Health press office is indeed a branch of the British fiction industry. Baffled by the fact that the DoH web site's otherwise excellent press release database had enormous gaps - about one in five of the sequentially ...

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    26 November 1948


    When re-planning the hospital feeding service, staff should not be forgotten. It is often inadequate to their requirements, as many of them are still growing.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Greater London House, Hampstead Road, London NW1 7EJ. Fax: 0171-874 0254.

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    Fiddlers don't call the tune True or not, claims of data manipulation harm public regard for the NHS


    The air has been thick for the past week with politicians firing accusations at each other about 'fiddling' the waiting list statistics. Whatever the truth in this particular instance, the episode holds salutary lessons for NHS managers. Experience in the early 1990s suggests that the disciplines of tight performance management ...

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    In tune with the times


    With health promotion high on the national agenda specialists find themselves in a positive stategic environment although much will depends on creative resource allocation. Barbara Millar looks at their expanding role

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    In tune with the times


    Name: Trevor Lakey

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    'In many ways we are still trying to find our feet'


    Working in health promotion has given Trevor Lakey some of his biggest highs - but also some of his most devastating lows, 'particularly in terms of the battles you sometimes have to fight to achieve things', he says.

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    Worldwide wisdom


    information management

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    All tangled on the web


    information management

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    Quality control


    Five years after the Internet entered public consciousness, the NHS is taking action to guide patients to use it wisely. Part of the NHS information strategy is a project to accredit information.