Latest news – Page 2775

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    Onus points


    clinical governance

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    What is clinical governance?


    The health secretary says: 'Clinical governance can be defined as a framework through which NHS organisations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish.'2

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    Shift workers


    clinical governance

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    New business case thresholds for IT projects


    The NHS Executive has announced new business case thresholds for IT project procurements, as promised in the Information for Health IT strategy published in September.

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    Government 'neglecting' PCG computer funding


    The Royal Hospital Haslar in Portsmouth has established a telemedicine link to Bosnia, allowing consultants to give guidance on emergency care to a military field hospital. Photographs of trauma cases taken with an Olympus C-1400L digital camera are sent as e-mail, via satellite to England. Set up by doctors from ...

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    New buyer for Oxford centre


    The Oxford Consortium - the former Anglia and Oxford region computer centre, sold to Computer Sciences Corporation in 1995 - has once again changed hands. It has been bought by the Welsh company Hyder.

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    Derbyshire Ambulance Service


    Derbyshire Ambulance Service claims to have improved its response performance after its nine-month trial of a mobile computing system. The Medical Priority Dispatch system prioritises deployment of ambulances according to the severity of incidents. Crews carry a 'ruggedised', Pentium- based PC called Databrick, supplied by Datalux, which allows them to ...

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    More this week on secret plans for PCGs (that's the patient consultative groups revealed here last week). As you will recall, all patients are to be grouped into PCGs of roughly 500 people each. Our secret source reveals that practice budgets will be devolved to each PCG, whose duties will ...

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    DoH shake-up sees HR chiefs start work as deputy CMO says goodbye


    Details of a shake-up among some of the most senior officials at the Department of Health have emerged this week.

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    Manager's merger lawsuit raises 'wider issues'


    The First Division Association has raised concerns about the treatment of managers involved in trust mergers after taking legal action on behalf of a former Welsh ambulance trust officer.

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    Compensation offers follow misconduct case


    South Kent Hospitals trust has started making compensation offers to women allegedly harmed by treatment by gynaecologist Rodney Ledward.

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    'Record' £2.2bn capital deal has strings


    The government has announced that it will be investing 'a record' £2.2bn in hospital buildings and equipment next year.

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    Good verdict for citizens' juries


    Citizens' juries can make the NHS more accountable for the way it makes decisions but are vulnerable to charges of 'window dressing', King's Fund reports have concluded.

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    Longer waits at three in four A&E departments compared to 1996


    Waiting times have risen in nearly three-quarters of England's accident and emergency departments, according to a survey by the Audit Commission.

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    Suspended director quits ahead of hearing


    Say cheese:

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    No disciplinary action for consultant who provided 'inappropriate care'


    Patients treated by a Scottish medical director suspended in July received 'inappropriate' and 'sub optimal care', an independent inquiry reported this week.

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    Managers call on GMC for stronger guidance


    Managers are calling for stronger guidance from the General Medical Council on the ethical duties of doctors who work as managers.

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    Milburn puts up £226m for PCGs


    Health minister Alan Milburn has given primary care groups a £226m cash boost.

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    Minister stands by primary care trusts timetable despite GP fears


    There will be no brakes on the momentum towards creating a first wave of primary care trusts by April 2000, despite GP warnings that the timetable is too tight, health minister Alan Milburn told MPs last week.

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    Labour's NHS reforms put before Parliament


    Legislation to implement the government's primary care and quality reforms is expected to be announced in the Queen's speech next week.