Latest news – Page 2790

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    Dobson's partial progress


    Dear Frank, a year ago Trevor Sheldon and I offered you a radical, wheeze-free agenda to improve the NHS.

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    Rumour and speculation are rife during times of change, says Manchester health authority chief executive Neil Goodwin. And the best way to counter them, of course, is to provide access to reliable and comprehensive information - which is just what the HA is doing with its new website.

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    Eleven o'clock on a dark, windswept, seafront at Blackpool and my pager goes off. I borrow a mobile phone (don't like 'em) and ring in.

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    Spinal injection damage 'was not negligence'


    Sometimes medical treatment goes seriously wrong for reasons nobody can explain. Patients in these cases are apt to reach for their lawyers, and legal advisers to seize on the legal maxim res ipsa loquitur - 'the thing speaks for itself '. In effect, they argue, no healthy person who goes ...

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    BMA to appeal over disciplinary procedure ruling


    The High Court has upheld the right of trusts to decide which disciplinary procedures to use when doctors are accused of misconduct.

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    In brief: Unfair dismissal awards


    The government is having second thoughts about removing the ceiling on unfair dismissal awards (now £12,000), which it proposed to abolish in its Fairness at Work white paper. Trade secretary Peter Mandelson is said to be rowing back after an outcry from industry, and the ceiling could instead be lifted, ...

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    In brief: Legal Aid Board


    The Legal Aid Board is inviting law firms to apply for franchises to handle medical negligence work from January 1999. From summer 1999, only those firms with franchises will be allowed to do such work on legal aid . The change is likely to mean that most large medical negligence ...

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    In brief: Civil litigation rules


    Civil litigation rules provide for defendants who want to settle a claim to pay money into court.

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    Performance indicators


    On the eve of new performance indicator frameworks, John Appleby says much useful information remains to be extracted from existing statistics

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    The fixer


    The health service commissioner's effectiveness is subject to increasing scrutiny 25 years after the office was created. Matthew Limb looks at its first quarter of a century and the reigns of the six commissioners to date

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    A job for strife


    The health service commissioner has been investigating patients' complaints for the past 25 years. Richard Oswald, a former NHS manager, looks at the office's past, present and future.

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    Counter claims


    Remuneration for community pharmacists needs an overhaul. But meanwhile price-fixing on branded drugs must remain, argue John Varnish and colleagues

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ , Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax: 0171-843 4670.

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    in person


    Tim Brett has been appointed general manager of Tayside health board, a post he has held on an acting basis since the start of the year.

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    New guidance issued to spur joint working


    The determination of ministers to force closer co-operation between health and social services is underlined in the first ever joint national priorities guidance, issued last week.

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    Northern Ireland health and social services to target greatest needs


    Northern Ireland health and social services managers have been told that resources must be targeted towards greatest needs to tackle inequalities in health and social care.

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    Merger to go ahead after split over trust finance rules


    A proposed trust merger, halted this summer after HSJ revealed that the Department of Health was split over legal rules, is to go ahead.

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    Report blasts 'failure' of Health of the Nation


    Ministers have received a damning report on the 'failure' of the former Conservative government's Health of the Nation programme.

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    Widdecombe sets out stall in right-wing vision for NHS


    The Conservatives broke 16 months of near-silence on health this week to emerge with a bold, distinctly rightwing vision of a 'core' NHS, supplemented by private healthcare.