Latest news – Page 2792

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    Plaster makes perfect


    Christine Smith, a technician from Calderdale Healthcare trust, applies a new form of plaster cast at a four-day workshop in Bradford. The technique uses a single material and results in shorter, lighter and more comfortable casts than traditional methods.

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    Review bodies told to be 'fair'


    NHS pay review bodies must stand up to the government and recommend inflation-busting pay rises for doctors and nurses, unions said last week.

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    Psychiatrists spark anger


    A five-year campaign by the Royal College of Psychiatrists to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness got off to a rocky start this week when aggrieved service users planned a protest march on the day of the launch.

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    On the record


    PHIL GRAY became chief executive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy this summer. He was formerly head of labour relations for the Royal College of Nursing.

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    Money's too tight to mention


    One of the most fiercely opposed hospital merger plans has failed to deliver the promised millions in of pounds in savings. Last week, managers met the public to explain why. Lyn Whitfield was there

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    Public health's new top doc


    Chief medical officer Liam Donaldson combines clinical and management experience. He has been a 'team player' under both Labour and Conservative governments. Wendy Moore meets a pragmatist with both passionate admirers and critics

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    Nyes not Tonies


    An award for good practice named after the founder of the NHS was one of the 'appetisers' thrown to Labour delegates at Blackpool, but they made it clear that pay is still the key issue. Patrick Butler reports

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    No happy returns


    Health minister Alan Milburn wants to encourage trained nursing staff who no longer work in the NHS to return. But is the number of would-be returners really as many as he would like to believe? Mark Crail reports

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    It's cold outside


    The second annual forum of trust and health authority chief executives found them voicing bitter complaints about New Labour's command and control style. Peter Davies and Pat Healy were there

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    Penetrating the corridors of power


    NHS chief executives should play dirty and learn political advocacy so that they could manage upwards as well as downwards, said Labour peer Baroness Young, chair of English Nature and former IHSM president.

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    Give and take


    Chief executives confessed they were still struggling to get to grips with joint working.

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    Chips with everything


    Already stretched to their limits by the year 2000 bug imbroglio, IT managers are now being asked to deliver on Frank Burns' punishing new strategy. Can it be done, wonders Peter Mitchell

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    Continuity announcements


    Scottish trust chairs have their work cut out carrying forward health improvement programmes amid major reorganisation. Laura Donnelly reports

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    Treat membership as a worthwhile investment



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    Managers' opinions sought on the future



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    Healthy PCGs need a clinical voice. . .



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    . . . and managerial skills

