Latest news – Page 2793

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    Who says the NHS Confederation never upsets anyone? The row after its pay evidence featured on Radio Four's To d a y programme as 'previously unpublished' proof of a nursing crisis had to be heard to be believed. It seems Confed boss Stephen Thornton anticipated an uproar and tried to ...

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    8 October 1948


    Reasons why the ambulance and fire services should not be merged have been published by the Institute of Certified Ambulance Personnel.

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    Does Monitor detect a split in the Tory front bench health team? Why, only last week, Alan Duncan turned down a much-coveted opportunity to contribute to HSJ's On the Record column on the grounds that such things were 'too trivial'. And then, before you know it, up pops Ann Widdecombe ...

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax: 0171-843 4670.

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    Brenda Howard


    Brenda Howard has been seconded to the policy development group of the Trent regional office of the NHS Executive. Ms Howard, director of operations (surgical services) and planning at Barnsley District General Hospital trust, will further the government's

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    IT fgdfgdgf stoeuyrewgddrrew


    An extra 1bn will to be added to NHS information technology budgets over the next seven years to fund the IM&T strategy published last week.

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    Finalists for this year's HSJ Health Management Awards have now been shortlisted by the judges.

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    Mental health groups


    Mental health groups have moved to distance themselves from junior health minister Paul Boateng's announcement that a review of the Mental Health Act will mean forced medical treatment in the community.

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    Let's have a very long and wordy headline here AKA guardian down page stories


    Government efforts to improve care in the community will fail unless shortages of supported and secure accommodation are remedied, according a report.

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    Welsh secretary Ron Davies has issued a consultation paper asking for views on priorities for public spending in Wales. It acknowledges NHS Wales' 24bn budget - a third of the Welsh Office total - is 'under substantial pressure' but points out that 'any additions to one (area of spending) will ...

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    Joint winter funding is 'lopsided' - Thornton


    Inter-agency partnerships to tackle winter pressures will be 'lopsided' unless the government plans a long-term cash injection for social services, NHS Confederation chief executive Stephen Thornton warned last week.

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    GPs set to benefit from telephone advice ruling


    Health authorities could have to pay thousands of pounds in back pay for GP telephone advice, following a landmark ruling by the NHS appeals authority.

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    Danger of postcode rationing versus men without stress who smoke less


    The debate about the availability of Viagra on the NHS have implications much wider than the treatment of impotence alone. Health secretary Frank Dobson should be congratulated on taking the politically risky step of offering a central policy decision on what the NHS can be expected, or is capable of ...

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    Genetic revolution which could force rethink on nurse training will catch managers on the hop


    David Hunter ('Live from Leeds', 3 September) is absolutely right to highlight the almost total failure so far to pay proper attention to the impending genetic revolution in healthcare.

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    New approach to the waiting list problem


    I was interested to read John Henderson's letter (13 August) on waiting list management in child and adolescent mental health services.

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    Many staff dance on head of a pin when it comes to their own safety


    After reading your item on needlestick injuries (page 4, 20 August), I wanted to let you know what we are doing at King's Healthcare trust.

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    Complaints about equal opportunities do not paint the whole picture


    Your news story on equality practice (page 2, 10 September) pointed showed many trusts not turning policy into action.

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    How the NHS must take a new approach to clinical litigation - and prove that it doesn't need lawyers to see justice done

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    Nostalgic look back at past caring


    Headline Health: Health Service Journal History of the NHS Edited by Wendy Moore Emap Healthcare 125 pages 13.99