Latest news – Page 2795

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    Waiting list data plan rejected


    Categories for referral to a consultant:

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    Steely determination: why ministers are resolved to make modernisation work


    Ministers have a 'steely determination' to make the NHS IM&T strategy succeed, its author, Frank Burns, said this week.

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    'We must get stronger at becoming facilitators of change'


    Helen Munro jokes that she first learnt negotiating skills in 1976 when she was doing voluntary work in Nigeria for a medical missionary organisation and a would-be suitor attempted to exchange her for a herd of cattle and some sheep.

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    Welsh trust consultation closes in face of local anger


    Public consultation on plans to halve the number of trusts in Wales has closed with a whistle-stop tour of areas opposed to the changes by Welsh health minister Jon Owen Jones.

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    Milburn sets out five-year staff strategy


    All trusts and primary care groups will be required to sign up to the government's new human resources strategy, launched yesterday by health minister Sir Alan Milburn.

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    No Stalinism at work here, says human resources director


    The government's new human resources strategy was 'not a Stalinist five- year plan', NHS human resources director Hugh Taylor told HSJ this week.

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    Hague meets health workers in UK listen-in


    Opposition leader William Hague met health professionals in Edinburgh last week as part of his UK-wide 'listening to Britain' campaign. About 10 journalists and 25 others turned up and told the Mr Hague that the current ills of the NHS were largely the result of 18 years of Conservative government.

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    The new chief executive of the National Blood Authority will be Martin Gorham, director of projects and corporate affairs at the NHS Executive, South Thames. Mr Gorham is experienced at turning round troubled organisations. He was chief executive of the London Ambulance Service for four years from 1992.

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    Capital's health 'needs pan-London approach'


    The most comprehensive review ever attempted of public health in London has revealed stark variations in health and service provision between health authorities.

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    Annual 'waves' of 'five or six' PFI projects set to get go-ahead


    NHS finance director Colin Reeves has predicted that 'five or six' large private finance initiative projects are likely to be given the go- ahead each year.

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    Prescription for recovery


    Targets should be set to reduce inequity in access to free contraception and abortion services across London.

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    Emergency ambulance services still poor, says Audit Commission


    Ambulance trusts which hit national targets are still offering a 'persistently poor' service to some people, says an Audit Commission study published today.

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    Short cuts


    Vote on new management organisation

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    Time limit on healthy living Lottery funds


    Healthy living centres will have to support themselves when Lottery grants run out, the government's new Lottery body said last week.

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    New TUC president is former COHSE leader and ex-nurse


    Hector MacKenzie, a qualified nurse and former leader of COHSE, has become president of the Trades Union Congress.

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    On the record



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    It's good to know the government's really making an impact with initiatives aimed at tackling youth unemployment. Witness the case of young Tom, who was thrown out of work in May last year along with hundreds of his workmates. Now, Tom associated with some pretty dodgy characters in his time, ...

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    Hospital and Social Service Journal


    24 September 1948

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    Siren voices


    In its first major report on the emergency ambulance service, the Audit Commission calls for action to deal with rising demand. Mark Crail reports

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    Facing both ways at once


    The unions are opposed to PFI, but are also resigned to government enthusiasm for it. At Blackpool, the TUC resolved to fight to protect members from its 'perverse effects'. Patrick Butler listened in