Latest news – Page 2796

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    A hole in the wall


    Not everyone is convinced that the government's proposals for joint working with social services will deliver what is needed. Thelma Agnew reports

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    Special cases


    Omagh health visitors have doubled their workloads to support people affected physically and mentally by the recent bomb explosion. And they will keep going as long as necessary, they tell Pat Healy

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    To boldly go...


    Are the World Health Organisation's 21 Health For All European targets a Utopian dream for the 21st century? Wendy Moore talks to those who dare to believe they can be achieved

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    Joined-up thinking on human resources strategy


    A welcome lack of pious platitudes, but a sting in the tail - and a catch

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    NHS dentistry up a gum tree


    We are living in a country where people travel 300 miles for dental care

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    IHSM members need to know the truth about its troubled finances


    Recent correspondence on the subject of the Institute of Health Services Management has prompted me to go back over this summer's reporting of news from the institute in HSJ, now the institute's only source of regular media profile.

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    Heretic's six-figure salaries - that's rich


    I was dismayed at the attitude behind Heretic's snide throwaway line about half of all hospital consultants now earning six-figure salaries

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    No beauty in the eyes of Northwick's users


    John Weeks (Letters, 10 September) does indeed have a subjective view of Northwick Park Hospital. He seems to confuse good functional design with attraction.

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    View to a skill


    Developing primary care groups is arguably the central plank of the reforms outlined in The New NHS white paper.

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    The Big Grapple


    It may be the world's richest city, but its huge homeless population lacks basic healthcare, and health workers struggle to cope with drug misuse, psychiatric illness, disease and an unforgiving political culture. Kate Adams reports on living and dying in

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    In person


    Carole Gazey

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax 0171-843 4670.

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    Changing paces



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    Career File


    Name: Helen Munro

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    Change in account rules could spell the end for PFI


    Strict new accountancy rules will mean the end of the private finance initiative in the health service, it has been predicted.

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    UCLH in court victory over Unison strike


    One of London's largest trusts has won a last-ditch court battle to avert strike action planned for next week.

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    Fraudbusters making 'substantial' progress


    Health authorities are making 'substantial progress' in beating contractor fraud, according to a survey by the Health- care Financial Management Association.

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    Dobson gives green light to pooled budgets but merger ruled out entirely


    Health and social services authorities will be able to pool budgets under proposals set out this week in the government's promised consultation document on joint working.

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    Mixed-sex wards advice is attacked


    Campaigners calling for an end to mixed-sex wards in psychiatric units have attacked advice on new builds issued by the NHS Executive.

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    Euro health policy will target poor


    A new European-wide health policy, setting targets for reducing health inequalities between east and west and rich and poor, was due to be ratified by health ministers in Copenhagen this week.