Latest news – Page 2801

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    A summary of evidence of internal market effects on hospital prices and costs


    Were GP fundholder prices consistent?

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax: 0171-843 4670.

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    As a loyal mouthpiece of the great helmsman, Monitor is always happy to pass on the thoughts of Chairman Frank. So here goes: there have been 'an alarming number of proposals for private hospitals since January', writes our Dobbo - who should know. He is particularly concerned at joint proposals ...

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    Hospital and Social Service Journal


    10 September 1948

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    Scant evidence that performance-related pay is a motivator for staff


    Performance-related pay and job evaluation

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    NHS pay group should keep to the principle of simplicity if it wants to gain staff confidence


    I refer to the news story 'Pay working group collapses as BMA and RCN withdraw' (page 2, 6 August).

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    The situation in Gaza and the West Bank is unusual and requires a unique sensitive approach


    I was interested but disappointed to read your interview with Cathy Gritzner on setting up a health service in Palestine (News Focus, 25 June).

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    The Patients Association overlaps the role community health councils hold by statute


    In your report on the annual conference of the Association of Community Health Councils (News Focus, 23 July), David Spilsbury of South Birmingham CHC seems to feel that the CHC should be and is the only organisation to represent patients' views.

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    Heroic effort of NHS in Omagh tragedy


    I was glad to see HSJ reported on the tragedy of the Omagh bombing and the heroic efforts of staff at Tyrone County Hospital and other hospitals in Northern Ireland (News, 20 August). The way colleagues in Omagh in particular dealt with the results of this carnage is an example ...

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    Pioneering integrated mental health services


    With reference to Elizabeth Bayliss's letter (9 July), recommending that services should work jointly, we feel it important to point out that in Hackney we are almost unique in having had jointly provided mental health services for the past four years.

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    Cornwall service transfer plans clarified


    The plans produced by Cornwall and Isles of Scilly health authority to achieve revenue savings, mainly through the closure of four community hospitals, did not include the transfer of additional elective surgery to St Michael's

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    The legacy of free market pay policy must be replaced with something less divisive


    No other organisation boasts such a hotch-potch of unco-ordinated salary systems as the NHS. Several secretaries of state must shoulder responsibility. Bevan cobbled together the consultants' remuneration system - which combines moonlighting with a cloak and dagger performance appraisal - so as not to create 'an unfair worsening of a ...

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    Genning up on genetics


    In the disruption surrounding the setting up of primary care groups, the cutting of waiting lists and the merging or closing of hospitals, it is easy to ignore what is on, or just over, the horizon. Genomics falls into this category.

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    I am going outside now. I may be some time. Autumn is approaching, and our thoughts turn naturally to howling winds, snow drifts and temperatures of 40 degrees below freezing. But if you think it's going to be bad here, spare a thought for the medics of the British Antarctic ...

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    How having a knees-up can do a world of good


    A colleague answered the phone for me the other day. He left a message saying, 'Russell of Kensington rang - he can't make it tonight.'

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    Back to business


    Social entrepreneurship offers to health and social services a public- spirited option in community care contracting. Patrick Butler reports

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    Giving people what you want


    Campaigners have accused a health authority of pre-empting the results of public consultation on its reconfiguration plans.

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    Passing the screen test


    Computerisation can remove almost all the potential errors in cervical screening. And, says Mark Gould, it can increase productivity threefold

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    A life of their own


    Amid the excitement over the start of primary care groups, it is widely assumed that Primary Care Act pilots will be assimilated into the new system. But some pilots are determined to continue to build on their successes. Thelma Agnew reports

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    Pay pitfalls


    While progress on a new NHS-wide pay system is faltering, there is still a lot of common ground between unions and managers.