Latest news – Page 2803

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    Open doors


    The public can take guided tours of interesting NHS buildings -both old and new - on heritage open days in September. Barbara Millar explains

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    Swindon has a justifiable claim to be the birthplace of the NHS, says John Cannon, communications manager of the National Monuments Record Centre. 'The Great Western Railway's Medical Fund, set up in the late 1840s with a cradle-to-grave approach to healthcare, was a key inspiration for Aneurin Bevan.'

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    A second world war former army field hospital, now housing an x-ray department, will be open on Saturday 19 September from 1pm until 4pm as part of the London Open House days.

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    Red herring


    GPs' terms of service and fees are set out in the 'Red Book' first published in 1966 as a slim booklet. It now covers 82 sections and about 70 separate fee rates. Angela McCullagh and others say it is time to get rid of it

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    The ways ahead


    Developments in British social policy Edited by Nick Ellison and Chris Pierson Macmillan 323 pages 14.50

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    Broadening the horizons


    Health & environmental impact assessment an integrated approach British Medical Association Earthscan 256 pages 14.95

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    in person


    Diana Middleditch is the new director of finance at Camden & Islington Community Health Services trust. She was previously director of finance at Haringey Healthcare trust. Her new duties will include taking charge of the estates and facilities and IT departments.

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax: 0171-843 4670.

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    'Political pressure' to bring down waiting lists, claim Conservatives


    The Conservatives traded insults with government ministers this week over claims that 'immense political pressure' was being put on managers to improve waiting list statistics.

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    UKCC considers ethnic monitoring - five years after recommendation


    Nursing's regulatory body is considering how it can gather data on the ethnic origin of all registered nurses - five years after it was urged to do so in a King's Fund report.

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    BMA blames managers for junior doctors' stress


    Managers have been blamed for most of the work-related stress suffered by junior doctors in a report from the British Medical Association.

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    Milburn renews attack on market with scheme to replace risk insurance firms


    Health minister Alan Milburn has angered the insurance industry by unveiling plans to change the way trusts cover themselves against non- clinical risks.

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    Broadmoor strike threat over rotas


    Broadmoor special hospital was pitched into fresh crisis this week when the Prison Officers' Association threatened to hold a ballot on strike action unless management took immediate steps to ease 'severe and critical' staff shortages.

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    Calman urges improved salaries for cytologists


    Chief medical officer Sir Kenneth Calman has urged trust managers to improve cytologists' pay as part of an 'action plan' to strengthen the national cervical screening programme.

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    In Brief


    More than 20,000 families will be asked to participate in a 700,000, three-year survey on ear, nose and throat problems and hearing run by the Medical Research Council. The study, joint-funded by the Department of Health, started last week.

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    PFI 'milestone' for Edinburgh


    Contracts have been signed for Scotland's flagship private finance initiative hospital building project - a 180m replacement for Edinburgh's Royal Infirmary, City Hospital and Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital.

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    Transfers to NHS from jail 'too slow'


    The chief inspector of prisons has alerted home secretary Jack Straw to 'totally unacceptable' delays in transferring mentally ill prisoners from Long Lartin jail to the NHS.

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    Mis-sold pensions settled 'speedily'


    Unions have welcomed the 'pretty speedy' progress finally being made in resolving the personal pensions mis-selling scandal that hit tens of thousands of NHS staff in the 1980s.

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    Health board and union in clash over closure


    Greater Glasgow health board has recommended the closure of a hospital for 300 patients with learning difficulties.

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    RCN welcomes rethink on student bursaries