Latest news – Page 2804

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    Cornwall GPs to claim back fees for phone advice given to tourists


    GPs in Cornwall are hoping to claim thousands of pounds in a dispute with the government over fees for telephone consultations with tourists and other temporary residents.

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    Tight timing for PCG start


    Health authorities have been given a tight timetable for getting the first piece of the primary care group funding jigsaw in place.

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    Arson probe after hospital fires


    Managers have stepped up security at a Manchester hospital hit by two major fires in two weeks.

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    On the record


    What is the first thing you do when you arrive at work?

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    After the bomb


    As the first casualties of Northern Ireland's worst terrorist bombing began to arrive at Tyrone County Hospital in Omagh, health services swung into a co-ordinated response that confirmed the strength of

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    Communicating flaws


    The London Ambulance Service is linking up with a telephone interpreting line in a bid to improve its work with ethnic minorities. Anna Minton reports

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    One step beyond


    An experiment in the Netherlands could point to the future for cross-border healthcare following a landmark EU ruling. But the Department of Health may challenge it. Tony Sheldon reports from Utrecht

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    All quiet on the western front?


    A car with a drunken passenger almost falling out of the window veered into a parked taxi. The passenger's head hit the taxi twice.

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    Winning the day


    Scotland has improved its day surgery performance, and even convinced sceptical GPs. Barbara Millar reports

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    MPs 'appalled' by slow response to IT bug danger


    An influential Commons committee has said it was 'astonished' and 'appalled' by the health service's response to the year 2000 computer software problem.

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    Divide opens over PCG governance


    Doctors' and managers' leaders divided sharply this week in their response to official guidance setting out governance arrangements for primary care groups.

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    Welcome for 'clearing houses'


    Managers' leaders have warmly welcomed plans to establish 'clearing houses' for NHS staff affected by the government's reforms.

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    Omagh blast puts disaster strategy to ultimate test


    A casualty of the Omagh bombing (right) is rushed to a helicopter to be airlifted to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast.

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    'Tick-box' patient survey comes in for criticism over lack of detail


    Details of how the first nationwide survey of NHS patients' experiences will be organised have received a sceptical response from managers and consumer groups.

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    A report funded by the American tobacco industry argues that anti- tobacco legislation in the UK would threaten nearly 12,000 jobs. But Association for Public Health chief executive Donald Reid said the only job losses would be among undertakers and mortuary attendants.

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    Nurses' unions split over new discretionary points system


    Senior nurses will be eligible for up to 1,200 extra on their salaries from next month under the terms of a discretionary awards system out for consultation.

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    Unison strike threat hits PFI project


    A strike ballot called over a private finance initiative scheme at University College London Hospitals trust has been condemned by managers as 'pointless and politically motivated'.

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    Campaigners claim ageing is an 'achievement'


    Britain's ageing population should not be viewed as a problem but as 'one of the major achievements of the 20th century', says a report from the Continuing Care Conference.

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    No pay rise for many private sector staff


    Thousands of private sector healthcare staff will get no pay rise this year, even though employers are finding it increasingly difficult to fill vacancies, according to a survey of more than 300 care and nursing homes.

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    Short cuts


    Scottish waiting lists fall for first time in two years