Latest news – Page 2805

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    36.6% applying to medicine are ethnic minorities


    The number of ethnic minority candidates trying to become doctors and dentists is greater than their proportion in the community, statistics released by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service last week show.

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    Hospital's future in doubt in wake of suspension of second doctor


    A Scottish hospital at the centre of a row over standards of care has suspended a second consultant after a patient's death.

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    Surgeon off duty after phone row


    A Welsh trust has suspended a consultant surgeon after she smashed a telephone against a wall. Janet Higgs claims the incident happened on 27 July because she was frustrated at not being able to operate on a patient.

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    Message in a throttle


    The Department of Health has not escaped New Labour's passion for news management. Patrick Butler reports on the department's high-profile spin doctor

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    Prima Donna


    Without a newly defined role, there's real doubt that community health councils have a future. That's where Donna Covey, new director of the Association of CHCs for England and Wales, comes in. Lynn Eaton went to meet her

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    Cornish rescue plan demands 4m savings


    Managers have been told to come up with new initiatives to save 4m as a result of health secretary Frank Dobson's decision to save four Cornish community hospitals.

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    New ACHCEW director sets out her stall with 'adapt or die' ultimatum


    The incoming director of the Association of Community Health Councils for England and Wales has issued an ultimatum to CHCs: adapt or die.

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    where are they now?


    No 84

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    In person


    Patrick Boyle, director of facilities and procurement management with Haringey Healthcare trust in north London, has been appointed general manager of Westcare Business Services, a common services agency that provides corporate support to Western health and social services board in Londonderry.

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    Chartered territory


    For the first time, CIPFA's new president is from the NHS - and a woman. She talks to Matthew Limb

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    Initial problems


    Will the NHS profit at all from the turf wars between accountancy's professional bodies, asks Mark Crail

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    Three of a kind: who's who


    ACCA, founded in 1904, is an international body. It has 60,000 qualified members and 125,000 students in over 130 countries. About 24,000 ACCA-qualified accountants are outside the UK. Over half its students come from outside the UK and Ireland. Around 1,200 ACCA-qualified accountants work in the NHS and it has ...

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    Creature comforts


    Pets - or companion animals - have a role in public health, say campaigners. Barbara Millar looks at growing interest in the therapeutic value of furry friends

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    Animals and healthcare through the ages


    The use of animals in therapeutic programmes is an ancient practice, first recorded in 9th century Belgium, when disabled people were allowed to care for animals in the belief that it would 're-establish the harmony of soul and body'.

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    Denizens of Grub Street crave a little openness Civil servants should end their defensiveness for the sake of debate


    One corner of government activity has remained virtually immune from the initiatives which began with the Citizen's Charter to ensure anyone encountering a public sector organisation is treated in a fair, courteous, prompt and open manner. All too often, Whitehall press offices feel under no obligation to treat the journalists ...

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    If your access to the wonderful world of communications technology comes from within the NHS, then you are most likely already aware of NHSweb. If not, http://nww.inform.nhsweb. will produce only an annoying insistence on the part of your web browser that the site has no DNS entry.

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    Debunking the magic 21bn


    A Department of Health press release on 29 July announced the funding of 'assertive outreach teams' to care more efficiently for mentally ill people in the community.

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    A pay scheme proposal with precious few merits



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    The evidence on complementary medicine could challenge old beliefs


    I was disappointed to read David Crosby's attack on complementary medicine (Letters, 30 July). It is inaccurate to suggest that all complementary therapies are untested or untestable. Therapies that have been extensively researched include acupuncture, osteopathy and chiropractic approaches, all of which are being increasingly integrated alongside orthodox medicine.