Latest news – Page 2806

  • News

    'Shotgun affair' is a grossly wrong portrayal


    David Crosby's provocative letter about your News Focus on integrated healthcare (letters, 4 June), clearly demands a response. I was at the conference referred to. Mr Crosby's representation of Iain Chalmers as 'acting as a catalyst for a shotgun affair' between orthodox and complementary medicine is grossly wrong. Your article ...

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    Education and pay policies at the root of professional recruitment crisis


    I was interested in your feature on the recurring problem of the nurse shortage ('Your country needs you', pages 22-25, 16 July).

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    New Alzheimer's care


    Our report on Alzheimer's disease (News, page 4, 9 July) aims to provide a base for thinking about improvements in care.

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    Ex-offenders should be included as New Deal trainees in healthcare


    I was disappointed to read the comments of some speakers at the conference to debate the New Deal in healthcare (News, page 2, 25 June). If we consider that New Deal participants with a criminal background might not be suitable for NHS jobs, we are contributing to the social exclusion ...

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    Paramedics are committed to ensuring interventions are clinically effective


    Patrick Butler's reports (News, page 5, 6 August; News Focus, page 10, 13 August) of the Ambulance Service Association's recent conference question the clinical effectiveness of paramedics.

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    Patients Association says doctors must explain the reasons...


    I was very disappointed by the tone of Steve Ainsworth's article ('Omission to explain', page 27, 30 July) arguing that GPs should not need to give patients reasons for removal from their lists.

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    ...while others have been campaigning on GP registration for years and want to see the figures


    Community health councils have been campaigning about GP registration for 25 years. This year's focus is on information about the number of patients removed from GP lists. The structured publication of the numbers nationally is important.

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    The shape of things to come


    The NHS regions are being redrawn with effects for the whole of the NHS, and the power of central government.

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    Doorstep delivery


    A home care service for people with severe mental illness has reduced costs and proved popular with users.

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    Summer brings so many health risks that Monitor hardly dares get out of bed these days. What with public health and photo-opportunities minister Tessa Jowell's brave crusade against deadly cheeses, and chief medical officer Sir Kenneth Calman's wholly unexpected warning that 'consumers cooking burgers and similar minced meat products should ...

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    Voices of dissent


    Community health councils keep managers on their toes, says Steve Ainsworth, and should not be resented by health authorities

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    Every step of the way


    When poliomyelitis struck teenager Gordon Palmer in 1950, the two- year-old NHS was there to see him through, and he remains a loyal supporter

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    'Iron law' of wealth


    A better state of health A prescription for the NHS By John Willman Profile Books 297 pages 8.99

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    Unhealthy fears from the 1950s to the 1990s


    Moral panics By Kenneth Thompson Routledge 142 pages 10.99

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    Advice on unravelling primary care funding


    Practice finance Your questions answered By John Dean Radcliffe 145 pages 16.50

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    Scots information strategy due in September


    The Scottish NHS information strategy will be published in mid- September, the same month as those for England and Wales - if current deadlines hold.

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    Cash for online booking trials


    The Department of Health has allocated 5m to piloting an online hospital appointment booking system for GPs in England and Wales. The aim is for patients to know their appointment date before they leave the GP surgery.

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    Suppliers to NHS Direct's telephone triage pilot likely to win many of its second-wave contracts


    The 35m worth of contracts announced this month for the second wave of the NHS Direct telephone helpline are likely to go to many of the suppliers who provided the initial pilot telephone triage systems.

  • News

    In brief


    Guidelines for setting up primary care groups contain virtually no recommendations on information technology solutions, or money to build them, according to GP computing experts.'There is not and will not be an IT solution or detailed specifications for primary care groups,' said a regional GP computer adviser. Part of the ...

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    Dobson launches new HAZs with 15m cash


    A second wave of health action zones has been given the go-ahead by health secretary Frank Dobson.