Latest news – Page 2807

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    Milburn announces move to clean up merit awards system for top doctors


    Campaigners want to see a revamped merit award system for senior doctors which would place greater emphasis on discretionary awards at local level.

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    Test scandal trust 'unduly litigious'


    A hospital facing legal action by 89 women affected by a cervical smear test scandal has been accused of being 'unduly litigious' in settling some cases.

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    Calls to put managers on to staff pay system


    Health service unions and managers' groups this week joined forces to call for the inclusion of senior managers in a new pay determination system covering all NHS staff.

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    Work assaults dog health staff


    Healthcare staff are four times more likely to suffer violent assault than workers in general, a study has found.

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    Cash for HIV prevention 'misses gay men'


    Money allocated for HIV prevention work among the groups most at risk is being diverted to other uses, according to two surveys from the National Aids Trust.

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    'No confidence' vote over two ward closures


    Staff at Llandough Hospital in South Wales have passed a unanimous vote of no confidence in its managers after a decision to close two wards.

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    Nurse recruitment hits an all-time low


    Managers' leaders have expressed alarm about two sets of figures showing that the NHS is facing a nursing recruitment crisis.

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    Short cuts


    Unison proposes 'forums' for primary care groups

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    Chief's big pay-off sparks union anger


    Unions have reacted angrily to a 100,000 pay-off for chief executive John Daley, who left Dudley Priority Health trust earlier this year after a controversial tendering exercise collapsed.

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    Nurses in court for back wages


    A union has launched High Court action on behalf of nurses to recoup more than 1m in back pay. Unison claims that 63 nurses were denied a right of appeal on their regrading when they were employed 10 years ago by the former North Derbyshire district health authority.

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    Pledged change to mental health law held up until general election


    Plans to overhaul the 1983 Mental Health Act may not be realised until after the next general election, key mental health groups say.

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    700,000 bill for test scare


    A Welsh hospital in a cervical cancer scare faces a potential damages bill of at least 700,000 from affected women and their families.

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    Codes of conduct


    Will the public accounts committee's damning report on the Read codes project wreck the NHS's forthcoming information technology strategy, asks Peter Mitchell

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    Wait and 'C'


    Should an ambulance with paramedics attend every 999 call? Patrick Butler reports from the Ambulance Service Association's conference

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    Home removal services


    As community care reforms continue to depress the market in private residential care and small homes are lost, how will services meet all elderly people's needs?

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    Sure thing


    Several Midlands community schemes to help poor families are potential models for the government's pre-school Sure Start scheme. Pat Healy examines their impact

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    Morale victory


    The battle for Bart's came to typify patients' fears and managers' frustrations about the changes to the NHS everywhere.

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    An opportunity to sit down and discuss pay for today But if staff- side organisations can't agree, what hope of a national deal?


    The government has done well so far not to become ensnared in the trap over health service pay that engulfed the last Labour government in 1974. Back then, with NHS staff pay falling badly behind and public service workers' expectations of a new Labour government running high, ministers swiftly acceded ...

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    Not such a premium service



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    The truth is out there. But trawling through what passes for healthcare advice on the Internet, you wouldn't know it. In a week that sees the advent of the International Trepanation Advocacy Group online, you may well feel that you need more of it like you need a hole in ...