Latest news – Page 2809

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    Life-long learning is a wonderful thing. So Monitor leapt joyously out of bed at 6.10am one day last week to watch episode 12 in the BBC2 series running alongside the Open University's social science foundation course. And who was the bearded man spouting forth on regional policy in the midst ...

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    Hospital and Social Service Journal


    13 August 1948

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    Items are entered free for public sector, voluntary and professional organisations, but we need at least six weeks' notice of your event. Please send details to Uli Jaeger, HSJ, Porters South, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW. Fax: 0171-843 4670.

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    In Person


    Joan Higgins, professor of health policy at Manchester University and deputy director of its health services management unit, has been re-appointed chair of Manchester health authority.

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    Sure thing


    Several Midlands community schemes to help poor families are potential models for the government's pre-school Sure Start scheme. Pat Healy examines their impact

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    Morale victory


    The battle for Bart's came to typify patients' fears and managers' frustrations about the changes to the NHS everywhere. Mark Gould reports

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    An opportunity to sit down and discuss pay for today


    But if staff- side organisations can't agree, what hope of a national deal?

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    Not such a premium service


    'It is almost impossible to buy a traditional indemnity health plan in New York. Most of the insurance companies don't offer them any more and those that do are unaffordable for all but Bill Gates'

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    The truth is out there. But trawling through what passes for healthcare advice on the Internet, you wouldn't know it. In a week that sees the advent of the International Trepanation Advocacy Group online, you may well feel that you need more of it like you need a hole in ...

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    Bishops and the Lords - God's unholy alliance



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    Waiting lists

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    Fathers' children are not part of the eligibility criteria for infertility treatment


    I was surprised to read in your cover feature 'The cost of living' (pages 22-25, 23 July) that Shetland health board operates an eligibility criterion for assisted conception which states 'no living children fathered by current partner'.

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    Unequal access is a problem at tertiary level, but couples can be helped by primary and secondary care


    The cover feature 'The cost of living' highlighted the lack of equal access to assisted conception treatments.

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    As seen on TV


    Hospitals are often approached by television programme-makers, eager for news footage, a good film location or a subject for a major documentary. Patrick Butler looks at the pros and cons of letting the cameras in

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    Cancer care on camera


    George Cathro is making a television series on cancer care at the Western General Hospitals trust in Edinburgh. The project was partly inspired by personal experience - both his parents died of cancer.

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    Media relations


    Coping with international coverage: the Mandy Allwood story

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    A year in the life of Great Ormond Street


    'We felt it was in our interests to let people see how Great Ormond Street operates,' says Ros Cliffe, director of public affairs and general fundraising, explaining why the trust decided to let the BBC's Children's Hospital series on its wards for the whole of 1995. It was not a ...

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    Shop talk


    With pharmacists in short supply, one trust solved its recruitment problems in a ground-breaking partnership with the local supermarket. Ailsa Granne and Louise Wallace explain

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    Side by side


    A specialist mental health worker liaising with general practices can reduce pressure on children's services. Edmundo Neira-Munoz and Derek Ward report on a pilot study

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    Key Points


    The appointment of a primary care mental health worker can relieve pressure on child and adolescent mental health services.