Latest news – Page 2810

  • News

    Pay-outs set to soar after interest judgement


    Compensation for large medical negligence claims is set to soar by up to 30 per cent, following a landmark judgment by the House of Lords. The ruling followed appeals in three cases of catastrophic injuries, including a birth injury case.

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    Court of Appeal ruling on Caesarean rights


    The Court of Appeal has issued guidelines following a spate of cases in which women were forced to undergo Caesarean sections against their will. Most of the women were mentally competent and therefore legally entitled to say no to the treatment - a subtlety of medical law apparently not grasped ...

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    Mental health law changes likely in capacity-to-consent grey area


    Changes to mental health law and practice are likely to follow the judgment of the House of Lords in L v Bournewood Community and Mental Health trust, in which the law lords approved the practice of informally admitting apparently compliant patients who lack the capacity to consent.

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    In brief


    Pressure for higher medical negligence awards - at least in no- win no-fee cases - could come in the Modernisation of Justice Bill expected in the autumn. The government favours making unsuccessful defendants pay the insurance premium and the lawyers' 'success fee' - the increase on normal fees in no-win ...

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    In person


    Joan Higgins, professor of health policy at Manchester University and deputy director of its health services management unit, has been re-appointed chair of Manchester health authority.

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  • News

    Pay working group collapses as BMA and RCN withdraw


    Plans to set up a pay system for the NHS to replace the current mish-mash of review bodies, Whitley councils and local structures have run into trouble with the collapse of a key working group.

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    NHS hotline wins 35m expansion


    A 35m expansion of the NHS Direct telephone helpline has been announced by health minister Alan Milburn.

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    Request for police guidance over use of CS spray


    Acute mental health trusts should work with the police to develop guidelines on the use of CS spray on people with mental health problems, researchers from London's Maudsley Hospital have advised.

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    Further delay in IT strategy as MPs slam fiasco of Read codes in damning report


    The NHS's information technology strategy will not be published until autumn, but is likely to rely heavily on the Read clinical codes despite another damaging report on the programme this week.

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    Lib Dem in call to reject Guy's development


    An MP issued a last-minute plea to ministers last week to reject the latest 100m development plan for Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital trust.

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    6m St Mary's shortfall is 'surprise', says chair suspended


    The deficit at a London teaching hospital where a senior finance manager is suspended on full pay has risen to 6m, its chair admitted last week.

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    Bart's 'saved' in two-site solution but London Chest Hospital closes


    A London trust has drawn up 30m a year plans to 'save' St Bartholomew's Hospital by splitting cancer and cardiac services between two hospitals.

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    Research casts doubt on paramedics' future


    The future of ambulance paramedics is likely to come under scrutiny in the light of research casting doubt on whether they provide more effective care than less costly ambulance technicians.

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    999 times hit by 'lifestyle change'


    The London Ambulance Service has blamed changing lifestyles for worsening 999 response times.

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    MPs attack 'bonanza' spending plan reports


    The government's presentation of its public spending plans has come under fierce attack from the Treasury select committee.

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    Assembly powers key in Wales quality agenda


    The Welsh Assembly will be able to ask the Commission for Health Improvement to investigate 'persistent failures to act' on problems at Welsh health organisations.

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    Troubleshooters seek 'root and branch' cure for Welsh deficits


    Troubleshooters are being sent in to Cardiff's troubled Morriston Hospital trust to help managers find more than 5m efficiency savings.

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    Trusts left leaderless after top-level conflict


    Two neighbouring community trusts have been without chief executives for more than a month after serious internal clashes.

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    Protocol aims to cut claims against NHS


    Health authorities and trusts will be offered training in the use of a new clinical negligence protocol which aims to settle claims earlier.