Latest news – Page 2811

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    where are they now?


    No 83

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    Circular arguments


    Despite wide consultation, many groups remain unhappy as guidance on setting up primary care groups approaches publication, writes Mark Crail

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    What the circular says



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    Three for all


    The sacking of Northern Ireland health minister Tony Worthington has cleared a path out of the whips office for John McFall, MP for Dumbarton and former opposition spokesman on Scottish affairs.

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    Burning questions


    NHS chief executive Sir Alan Langlands faced his annual grilling by the Commons public administration committee last week. Mark Gould listened in

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    Negotiating a new career


    Former NHS human resources manager Stephen Griffin is relishing his appointment as labour relations chief at the Royal College of Nursing. Mark Crail asked him about 'changing sides'

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    Country matters


    The suspension of Stracathro Hospital's medical director has raised doubts about its future - and concern among groups representing cancer patients. Barbara Millar reports

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    Low claims bonus


    Trusts can already cut the cost of dealing with negligence claims - now a new protocol aims to stop cases reaching the courts. Pat Healy reports

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    Reading between the lines on the delayed IT strategy Is it all on hold while the final chapter of the Read codes fiasco unfolds?


    What has happened to the NHS's promised new information management and technology strategy? There's still no sign of it - despite the fast- approaching end of IT supremo Frank Burns' secondment in September. The service had been led to believe the strategy's launch was waiting on the results of the ...

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    Vote registers the right result Protecting the public - and following best practice - is the priority


    A register of paramedics is long overdue, and last week's vote at the Ambulance Service Association's conference in favour of one is welcome. Objections that this would discriminate against paramedics not working in the NHS need to be addressed, but that alone is insufficient reason not to set up a ...

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    Somewhere out there in cyberspace, someone shares your interest in the early history of health economics, the research possibilities inherent in The New NHS, or whatever it is that turns you on. Indeed, the ether is probably buzzing already with fellow enthusiasts sharing ideas. But how to find them?

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    These turbulent times



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    High-level support can open a window before the door closes


    I can empathise with the feelings of hurt and disorientation which Christine Adams describes. Having had to break similar news to my family on five occasions during the past 20 years, I was surprised that I developed no immunity in that time.

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    NHS expertise can be transferred to the voluntary sector


    As a former personnel director who was made redundant after 36 years in the NHS, I confirm, regrettably, that the picture presented by Christine Adams is extremely accurate and one which is experienced by a large number of employees who, increasingly, are forced to leave the NHS earlier than they ...

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    Planning for career change should be part of manager training


    Christine Adams' article has a familiar ring. How many people finding themselves at the wrong end of any aspect of organisational change would share these emotions? And with all the NHS changes taking place, will our planning automatically cover all the issues that may be directly affecting individuals?

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    North Thames CHCs suffered snubs and discourtesy at the hands of the NHS Confederation


    In 1997 the NHS Confederation published a consultation paper called Towards the 21st Century: a way forward for the NHS. It was considered in some detail by the 28 community health councils in North Thames. The representatives supported the general thrust of the document and most of its proposals. They ...

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    Report made mischief out of reflections on the past


    Your news story on In The Public Interest was at best mischievous, and at worst downright malevolent. The report rightly reflects on how community health councils need to look again at our role, and recognises that we need to be revitalised. Its suggestions are worthy of serious debate and discussion.

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    I'd love to participate if only I could find out how


    Can anyone tell me where an interested member of the public can obtain a copy of In the Public Interest? Last Friday, I telephoned the Stationery Office, which had never heard of it, and suggested I contact the Department of Health for an ISBN number.