Latest news – Page 2817

  • News

    A breach too far?


    Plans to merge two trusts may have to be recalled from the health secretary's office this week and rethought - because the Department of Health appears to be unable to decide on the legal rules covering trust finances.

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    New lease of life for PFI


    Health ministers want to develop a 'hybrid' form of the private finance initiative which does away with the complications of service contracts. Matthew Limb reports from the Commons health committee

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    Blair seeks to calm unions' pay fears


    Prime minister Tony Blair last week moved to pacify health service unions angry that the independence of the pay review bodies had been undermined by new terms of reference set out in the comprehensive spending review.

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    Doctors are fatter cats


    Top doctors are earning more than chief executives in more than one-third of trusts, according to a survey of annual accounts.

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    900 a session for surgeons in last-ditch bid to clear lists


    Trusts are paying surgeons up to 900 for a half-day's work in a bid to clear waiting lists, it emerged this week.

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    Short cuts


    NHS fraudbusting unit gains more staff

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    Two new health authority chairs have been appointed in the North West region.


    Two new health authority chairs have been appointed in the North West region. Alan Bullen, who is leader of West Lancashire district council, becomes chair of South Lancashire HA. Vourneen Darbyshire, a solicitor, becomes chair of North West Lancashire HA. She is a former non-executive director of Blackpool, Wyre and ...

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    Who's who and who's new in healthcare


    Claiming a lineage traceable to Sir Henry Burdett's 1889 Hospitals and Charities, the venerable IHSM Year Book has slimmed down for its new edition. Admirably, it has done so without much apparent loss of content, and indeed has included some new material.

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    in person


    Professor Michael Whiting,

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    Short cuts


    Sacked LAS manager goes to industrial tribunal

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    Scottish boards' trust shake-ups challenge white paper pattern


    Health boards serving Scotland's two biggest cities are to press ahead with trust reconfiguration plans which run counter to the model set out in the government's Designed to Care white paper.

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    The Lothian plans


    One acute hospital trust covering the Royal Infirmary, Western General Hospital and the Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

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    The Glasgow plans


    One north Glasgow acute trust covering Glasgow Royal Infirmary, West Glasgow Hospital, Stobhill Hospital, and Glasgow Dental Hospital and School.

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    The woman in the moon


    The woman in the moon: medical student Claire Etchell takes a rest from modelling a costume created by Doncaster College fashion students for the Dreamheart Appeal. The costume is based on the logo used by the appeal, which aims to raise pounds1m to buy equipment for patients with heart disease.

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    Accountants bid for new body


    NHS finance managers could find themselves subject to a new professional accountancy body if proposals put forward by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants get the go-ahead.

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    NHS Confederation and IHSM should look at their own democratic legitimacy before criticising CHCs


    I read with interest your story about the report on the future of community health councils (News, page 7, 2 July). It was indeed refreshing to be lectured on openness and accountability by the NHS Confederation and the Institute of Health Services Management.

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    CHCs have a vital role in the future, but need to be revitalised - and appropriate funding made available


    Your news article had a very strongly and rather negatively worded headline. It certainly caught the eye, but I do think that to use the word 'damning' was unnecessary.

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    Recruitment and retention problems could be solved by identifying individuals who will stay


    As a chartered occupational psychologist working in the area of recruitment and retention of individuals in a range of professions, I was most interested to read Alison Moore's article 'Situation vacant' (pages 24-27, 18 June).

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    Blair said little about a healthier society


    Your report of my comments on Tony Blair's speech at the NHS 50th anniversary conference (page 10, 9 July) was not correct.

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    Evidence-based research and practice must be focused on achieving effective outcomes for patients


    There is a connection between evidence-based practice, local clinicians' research work and the NHS research and development strategy but they are not all the same thing, nor are they consistently implemented across the country. It is too easy to put them all under one banner (Slow-acting remedy, page 24-25, 21 ...