Latest news – Page 2824

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    Sefton - initial hostility


    There was initial hostility in Sefton to the whole idea of primary care groups. The local medical committee balloted its members, achieving a 61 per cent response rate, and found that 72 per cent were against the new organisations.

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    All in a life's work


    The jacket calls this 'a dazzling intellectual biography of one of the greatest management theorists and social thinkers of our time'. If one leaves out the first adjective, this is a fair description of its contents. It is an intellectual biography in the sense that it gives a chronological account ...

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    Point your career in the right direction


    Thinking of becoming an academic? Then this is the holiday reading for you. It tells you everything you need to know about academic careers, including the vital components of networking, teaching, researching and writing. What's that you say? You are already an academic. Hmmm, perhaps it might be better if ...

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    Something small but perfectly formed


    My companion toyed with his chargrilled ciabatta and gazed abstractedly out over Islington High Street.

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    in person


    Margret Price is the new chair of Dyfed Powys health authority. A partner in the research company Dean Associates, Ms Price was previously chair of Portsmouth Health Care trust.

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    Babies die due to 'poor clinical management'


    Babies are dying because of 'poor clinical management' and the failure of some GPs to detect serious illness, an influential study has found.

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    Art of medicine


    Art of medicine: consultant gynaecologist Sarah Gull contributes to West Suffolk Hospital's summer exhibition, as theatre manager Nicola Sharpe looks on. Ms Gull came up with the idea for the show, which features work by theatre staff.

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    where are they now?


    No 81

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    Lambden withdraws industrial tribunal claim against trade union


    A potentially bitter public row between a trade union and its former chief executive was averted at the 11th hour this week.

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    BMA drops PCG ballot threat but demands stop to PFI


    A last-ditch attempt by GP hardliners to scuttle the government's NHS reforms was overwhelmingly rejected by the British Medical Association's 'annual parliament' this week.

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    Ashworth inquiry ends with call to close all the special hospitals


    The inquiry into allegations of pornography and child abuse at Ashworth special hospital ended this week with a dramatic plea for the special hospitals to be closed.

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    Three-year finance deal pledge by Blair


    The health service is to get a three-year financial settlement which will 'offer sustainable year-on-year increases for the foreseeable future', prime minister Tony Blair promised last week's NHS management conference.

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    Beacons of excellence to encourage others


    Trusts and GP practices will be invited to become 'beacons of excellence' and receive extra money to help others improve their performance, Mr Blair told the conference.

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    Ann Widdecombe is leaving her mark on the Tory health team as only a former minister for boot camps can. That's 8.30am breakfast meetings - twice a week. And Friday hospital visits - 50 each for the three spokesmen before the summer recess. 'She keeps up a pretty daunting pace,' ...

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    Homa on the range


    Asked what qualities his colleagues would ascribe to him, Peter Homa offers: 'Supportive, focused, results-driven - with a sense of humour.'

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    The appliance of science


    Managers are being told to take a more scientific approach to their work. Pat Healy reports from the European Healthcare Management Association conference in Dublin

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    Leading lights


    Health authorities can have a key strategic role in the new NHS - but only if they earn it. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Assembly line


    Jan Williams, chief executive of Iechyd Morgannwyg HA, tried hard not to sound too pessimistic about the future of Welsh HAs under a National Assembly.

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    Minister's written guarantees on PCGs fail to mollify angry GPs


    Angry GPs are demanding further concessions on the structure, make up and resourcing of primary care groups, despite written guarantees from health minister Alan Milburn.