Latest news – Page 2825

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    More ambulances meet 999 targets despite rise in emergency journeys


    More ambulances met 999 response-time targets last year, despite a 4 per cent rise in the number of emergency journeys, official figures reveal.

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    Targets will boost women chairs and non-execs


    Health authorities and trusts can expect an influx of new women chairs and non-executive directors as ministers fall into line with the cross-government targets launched this week.

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    Policy ini tiatives stir NHS cash hopes


    Health secretary Frank Dobson claimed this week that waiting lists had started to fall, as ministers launched a flurry of policy initiatives in the run-up to the NHS's 50th anniversary on Sunday.

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    Big money


    Big money: as speculation mounted that the health service could get a substantial cash boost, health secretary Frank Dobson this week launched a 50p coin marking the NHS's

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    NICE work


    There will be no new money for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence when it starts next April, but it will take over the work and funding of existing organisations, it emerged this week.

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    Hold on to your seats until the money's been counted


    We've had the commemorative 50p piece; will we have the commemorative pounds 10bn extra by the end of the week? The eyes of the NHS - indeed, of the nation - will be fixed intently on the conference podium at Earl's Court on Thursday at 9.25am. This could be a ...

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    Mavericks with a mission


    The rulers of Renaissance cities would allow the mavericks of society - rebel artists, writers and philosophers - to criticise their government openly. Although the mavericks lived in special enclaves outside the city walls, their views were always listened to and valued. These leaders realised that the maverick ideas of ...

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    'Call me, call me any time, call me...' Well, if NHS Direct has to have a theme tune, Blondie's obviously your band. And that is probably a better, or at least more aspirational, choice of tune than Hanging on the Telephone.

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    Beholden to Bevan


    'The new health service has been having a most uneasy gestation and a very turbulent birth, but all prodigies behave like that... We shall never have all we need. Expectation will always exceed capacity ... the service must always be changing, growing and improving; it must always appear inadequate.'

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    Nurses make claims to autonomy, so why didn't they blow the whistle?


    I welcome health secretary Frank Dobson's announcement of a public inquiry into the tragic deaths of the children 'cared' for at Bristol Royal Infirmary. I have a number of reservations, which I hope will be part of the inquiry, although I have no great faith that they will be.

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    Doctors should have been forced to retrain, not barred for three years


    I find the recent General Medical Council decisions - regarding one of the Bristol surgeons and the anaesthetist involved in the paediatric dental case - extraordinary.

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    A pledge on sterile services staff pay at UHW


    Your news story on the industrial dispute at University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff (page 5, 11 June) mentioned that Sterile Services International did not have a representative in the UK. SSI is a UK company, and has had a fully staffed head office in Cardiff for 18 months.

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    Another woman chief executive writes...


    I read with interest and surprise 'A gender for change' (pages 24-27, 11 June). What particularly surprised me was Hilary Pepler indicating that 'all the other chief executives in Liverpool are men'.

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    Whatever the words, relationships are important in reorganisations


    As Lorne Williamson surmises (Open Space, 18 June), reorganisations will continue to have an impact on the NHS for the foreseeable future. He also expresses concerns about the process of change within the service and its effect on staff and clinical services.

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    'No commitment' is not the final word


    As you reported (News Focus, page 14, 25 June), in a meeting with 10 leading mental health organisations on 11 June, junior health minister Paul Boateng indicated there was no government commitment to reviewing the Mental Health Act 1983.

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    Health economists in glass houses...


    As a consultant recently converted to a manager in the NHS, I read with interest Alan Maynard's continued attack on the medical profession (Looking Askance, 11 June). As an economist who clearly knows value for money, he should see the best way to avoid the personal greed of consultants and ...

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    A friend told me recently that Heretic was written by Leicester Royal Infirmary trust chief executive Peter Homa. I was flattered, given the impressive results of the pioneering business process re-engineering initiative he drove at LRI. But that mould-breaking effort's multi-million pound price-tag has deterred other trusts from challenging traditional ...

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    Bevan's babies at 50


    It was the year of the austerity Olympics in London, the first Polo mint rolled off the production line, bread was tuppence a loaf, and the NHS was born, along with 905,000 babies in the UK. Bernadette Friend tracked down some of Bevan's 1948 babies - who went on to ...

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    What the papers said


    Then, as now, bad news took precedence over good, and on the day the NHS began the papers were dominated by news of Britain's worst air disaster, in which 39 people died.

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    At your service


    Managing mental health services is 'lots of fun, very challenging and as intellectually demanding as any other senior management job in the NHS', says Peter Reading, chief executive of Lewisham and Guy's Mental Health trust in London. But, he adds, it can also be frustrating because it does not carry ...