Latest news – Page 2828

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    Light fantastic


    Pain control nurse Sharon Baldwin at the launch of Leeds Teaching Hospitals trust's Snoezelen room - thought to be the first in the UK to be used for acute pain control.

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    Forces health chief quits before review


    The armed forces healthcare agency is to lose its chief executive early next month - shortly before the findings of a radical review of military hospitals are made public.

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    Labour turns the tables over board nominations


    Labour nominees on NHS boards outnumber Tories by two to one following a 1,000-strong influx of new non-executives since the election, an HSJ analysis of figures released by the Department of Health last week reveals.

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    Bishop makes his mark


    What the public said to the bishop and the peer was that they wanted an alternative to the health authority's plans. Pat Healy reports

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    Corps services


    After a critical report on military health services, army and civilian staff at an MoD hospital unit in one NHS acute trust are soldiering on together, writes Lyn Whitfield

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    Gaza trip


    It's a daunting task, but Cathy Gritzner's brief to set up a health service for the people of Palestine is a job in a million. She talked to Mark Gould

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    Hearing voices


    Staff whose views are rarely made public speak out on the meaning of the NHS's 50th anniversary in a new book, Other Voices. Author Patrick Butler explains

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    Using his faculty


    James McEwen, the Faculty of Public Health's new president, believes local action is the key to making public health work. Barbara Millar reports

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    Scots parliament will 'have handle' on health


    The new Scottish parliament will have unprecedented power to interfere in the running of health boards and trusts, and could jeopardise partnerships between the NHS and local government, some managers fear.

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    'Free NHS is an anachronism'


    The first moves to map out a radical right-wing agenda for healthcare beyond the Conservative election defeat emerged this week as the Social Market Foundation condemned the principle of a free NHS as an 'anachronism'.

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    The graduate


    Nursing auxiliary Sharon Smith meets education secretary David Blunkett as he visits Northern General Hospital, Sheffield, to launch a scheme offering staff who missed out on formal education the opportunity to 'return to learn'. Fifteen members of staff are taking part in the project, which is a joint initiative by ...

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    where are they now? No 80 Iris Isbister


    Pocket Profile: Personal friend of deposed Tory Scottish secretary Michael Forsyth and former chair of Forth Valley health board, who resigned amid a bitter row over an acute services review.

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    Going, going. . . not yet gone


    Everyone agrees the government should get rid of the Mental Health Act. But they may be disappointed. Mark Gould reports

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    Balancing the boardrooms: rules could still be tighter


    comment: The NHS is too precious to belong to just one party or government

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    A 'third way' to promotion?


    comment: Health minister's vision is safely built on public service values

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    A case of under-management



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    How do you see the world evolving by 2020? Will we find ourselves in a fragmented society in which we have to find our own way and science is just one voice among competing world views. Or will the nation state reassert itself, and with it individual reliance on those ...

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    Why locality hospitals should be retained as part of a bigger system


    Letters: New models for small hospitals