Latest news – Page 2834

  • News

    The NHS according to those who work in it Are alarm bells ringing yet in Richmond House?


    Health ministers set great store by what they call evidence-based policy-making. Anxious not to repeat the mistakes of their Conservative predecessors, they make much of their laudable efforts to consult and evaluate: witness, for example, the comprehensive studies of the primary care pilot schemes (see pages 12-13). Not for them ...

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    A new look for the millennium The times are changing - and so is HSJ


    Renewal is a recurring theme of the late 1990s, spurred by the approach of the millennium. Today, this magazine renews itself in a format we are confident will continue to serve our readers' needs into the 21st century. In its 106-year history HSJ has undergone many metamorphoses. One of the ...

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    An end to polls and wheezes


    At the 3 July meeting of the NHS Confederation, the Institute of Health Services Management and the International Hospital Federation to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the NHS, a 'leading national figure' will discuss commitment to the new vision of the NHS. Who is this leading national figure? Is it ...

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    If you want to live beyond 100, your best bet may be to live past your mid-eighties. Obvious perhaps, but researchers in the US say their studies of centenarians suggest that there is a 'weeding out' process of the 'sick old' before their 90th birthday: those who survive it just ...

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    Dapper Duncan joins Doris at the sharp end


    It would be fun but wrong to suggest that the flurry of activity from health ministers in the past few days - all those promised extra doctors and hospital 'death lists' - is attributable to Ann Widdecombe's promotion to the shadow Cabinet in William Hague's reshuffle.

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    Skeleton service


    Chelsea and Westminster Hospital gave local people a chance to see the NHS in action last weekend. Here, eight-year- old Nicholas Harrington finds out more about plaster casts from technician Mariano Martinez-Tenorio. Nicholas's sister Laura and father David lend a hand with staff nurse Alberta Awotwi.

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    Managers fear year of policy confusion as primary care groups are established


    Senior finance managers fear the cost and workload involved in setting up primary care groups will lead to problems elsewhere in the NHS, an exclusive survey for HSJ has discovered.

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    Ministers fall back on old pledges in wake of heart babies scandal


    Ministers moved this week to beef up the NHS quality agenda in response to the outcry over the Bristol heart surgery baby deaths.

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    Scottish health minister promises 'decisive action'


    In Scotland, where the Commission for Health Improvement's remit will not apply, health minister Sam Galbraith promised 'decisive action' over poor performance in the health service.

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    Writs fly as bucks are passed in Guy's project funding debacle


    Auditors have been unable to allocate blame for a hospital building project which ran pounds68.7m over budget and three years behind schedule because the trust, its project manager and its service engineers are suing each other.

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    Firm pulls out of PFI scheme


    A contracting firm has pulled out of Scotland's flagship hospital building project a month before contracts were to be signed.

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    This unhealthy precedent on top appointments must not be repeated


    Your readers will be aware that the current director of the Association of Community Health Councils for England and Wales, Toby Harris, was appointed a non-executive director of the London Ambulance Service earlier this year (News, page 4, 4 June). His recent announcement that he will resign his post and ...

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    Policy initiatives throw light on problem: AIDS services can benefit from strategic thought


    It is encouraging to read of the continued tenacity, and now 'glimmer of hope' (News, page 5, 14 May) of those fighting to retain London Lighthouse.

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    It's a now or never chance for Bart's Hospital


    At risk of outstaying my welcome on the letters page, Angela Sinclair (Letters, 28 May) is right about the future of Bart's.

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    Public Health Alliance points out missing link


    The Public Health Alliance was the instigator of the research described by Stephen Peckham and colleagues ('The missing link', pages 22-23, 28 May), and of the forthcoming report on the research, A Public Health Model of Primary Care: from concept to reality. PHA has a reputation for radical and innovative ...

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    New body finds a way through the bottleneck


    In 'Slow-acting remedy' (pages 24-25, 21 May) Eldridge and South are right to point out the shortage of skills, either to undertake research studies, to lead research teams, to apply research to developing practice or to provide training and supervision for research.

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    Solid support for Ashworth chief executive Hodge from senior managers in north west


    We write in relation to recent events at Ashworth Hospital (News, page 4, 28 May).

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    From dinosaurs to dynamos


    Regarding your feature 'Slow on the uptake' (pages 30-31, 30 April), Brighton Health Care trust introduced centralised equipment hire and a purchase plan to dramatically reduce hire expenditure last September.

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    How to make an Impact on the lengthy waiting lists for sight-restoring cataract operations


    Your report that Scottish MPs were shocked to find that large numbers of people are waiting for sight-restoring cataract operations (News, page 8, 14 May) again highlights the issues surrounding the management of this common condition.

  • News

    Holding the line


    Milton Keynes had a lively bank holiday weekend judging by calls to NHS Direct, the 24-hour helpline launched in March.