Latest news – Page 2839

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    What residential and nursing home staff earn


    The PSPRU surveyed 1,271 nursing and residential homes, covering 39,116 staff, of whom 15,146 were care assistants. It found:

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    Doctors accuse trust chief over patient cuts


    Consultants at Southend Community Care Services trust have accused chief executive Mike Harrison of 'colluding' with South Essex health authority to 'destroy patient services'.

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    Council fraudbuster to join NHS


    The fraudbuster who sacked 120 members of staff at Lambeth council for corruption, and saved it tens of millions in misappropriated funds, has been made 'fraud supremo' to the NHS.

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    Union blasts Scottish blood service shake-up that mirrors English move


    Union leaders have condemned the biggest shake-up of Scotland's blood transfusion service in 50 years.

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    Two cheers for Better Wales


    Academics have raised 'two cheers' for the government's 'new approach' to tackling health problems in Wales.

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    Chain reaction


    Chain reaction: demonstrators form a human circle round the main building of the London Lighthouse centre for people with HIV and AIDS to draw attention to its plight. The event was organised by Save London Lighthouse Campaign, formed after withdrawal of NHS funding forced the charity to announce the closure ...

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    Trust blames HA for deficit in discharges row


    A feud has broken out over allegations that a health authority has pushed one of its local trusts into the red.

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    An acute services review of the NHS in Scotland was due on ministers' desks this week. The review is expected to place special emphasis on specialist services in rural areas, addressing what Sir David Carter, chief medical officer for Scotland, called the 'tyranny of distance imposed by Scotland's geography'. The ...

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    By gum


    By gum: the Royal Mail is to issue a set of four stamps on 23 June to mark the 50th anniversary of the NHS. Marketing manager Giles Finnemore described the stamps as a tribute to the health service 'by another of the country's great institutions'. Along with first-day covers and ...

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    Wales' lists climb to 74,000 with scores of 'long-waiters'


    Hospital waiting lists in Wales have risen more rapidly than in England, and government figures show hundreds of patients still having to wait more than two years for treatment.

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    Juniors to call for New Deal rethink


    Junior hospital doctors look set to call for a rethink of the New Deal on working hours this week as the British Medical Association's annual round of specialist group conferences gets underway.

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    Past tense - future imperfect


    The lessons from total purchasing suggest that tensions between primary and secondary mental health services are likely to continue, write John Lee and Linda Gask

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    What could possibly be behind the Mirror's extraordinary front- page attack on Dobbo last week? You know the one: 'Embarrassed Mr Dobson? You should be bloody well ASHAMED.' Reliable sources suggest it is all to do with Mirror boss David Montgomery's desperate need to carve out a market position sufficiently ...

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    All our Yesterdays


    28 May 1948

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    In this 50th anniversary year of the NHS, one might have hoped for rather better from the Public Records Office. Come to think of it, one might have hoped for something... anything.


    In this 50th anniversary year of the NHS, one might have hoped for rather better from the Public Records Office. Come to think of it, one might have hoped for something... anything.

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    where are they now?


    No 78

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    Shades of Gray


    The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy's new chief executive is no expert in physiotherapy, but says he understands the profession's needs, writes Linda Davidson

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    The rest is silence


    The National Blood Authority board meeting made little drama out of its latest crisis. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Wake-up call


    The government's declaration that community care has failed should galvanise mental health professionals into action. Cathy Cooper reports

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    The survey's findings


    Only 4 per cent of commissioners work solely on mental health purchasing, translating into two or fewer whole-time equivalent staff in 87 per cent of HAs.