Latest news – Page 2842

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    Jaymee's legacy


    Jaymee Bowen died two years ago. Her death did not get the same attention as the last years of her life - at least at the time. Now academics and ethicists are busy using her as the ultimate case study for discussing healthcare rationing. It might be objected that hers ...

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    Money matters



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    Medical, social and political implications

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    this week


    BMA in retreat on ballot threat

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    NAO launches inquiry into crisis-hit blood service as chief gets the sack


    The National Audit Office has launched an investigation into Britain's crisis-torn blood service.

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    The Institute of Health Services Management and the Association of Managers in General Practice are considering joining forces. The councils of both bodies have agreed to have exploratory talks. Members will decide the issue in a ballot later this year.

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    Boateng bows to mental health pressure groups


    Junior health minister Paul Boateng has pledged to publish the government's long-awaited mental health strategy 'in the summer' after lobbying from mental health pressure groups across the policy spectrum.

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    Ashworth chief takes leave after new claims


    Ashworth Special Hospital chief executive Hilary Hodge is taking 'extended leave' following the launch of an inquiry into her management style by the hospital's board.

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    Regions to face sanctions over unmet targets


    NHS regions will be expected to cut the number of patients waiting for hospital admissions by up to one-fifth by next April.

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    Langlands blames 'the way we were' for Kent cervical smear test scandal


    NHS chief executive Alan Langlands confessed to feeling 'uncomfortable' when he was grilled by MPs last week on the performance of the beleaguered cervical screening programme.

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    Burns' stay at NHS Executive to be extended


    Frank Burns, architect of the NHS's new information management strategy, will not now be ending his secondment to the NHS Executive in June as planned.

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    Bridging the gap


    a crane lifts into place one of 11 sections of a bridge which will join together three hospital buildings. Hemel Hempstead General Hospital's 200-metre link, which cost pounds500,000, opens in September. The bridge has been warmly praised by managers. Michael Clarke, head of estates at the unit, said: 'This will ...

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    Health authorities could continue to ration treatments unless the government gives the proposed national institute for clinical excellence powers to enforce guidelines on equity, medical charities warned last week. 'The white paper appears to confirm that commitment but we have serious doubts about whether it will be made to work,' ...

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    IHSM ensures leaders will face contested elections


    Efforts by leaders of the Institute of Health Services Management to ensure that their successors face contested elections appear to have paid off.

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    Calls to widen availability of cancer drug


    Doctors and MPs have urged the government to extend the availability of a drug which lengthens the life expectancy of women with ovarian cancer.

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    Naughty, naughty, naughty


    Sir Harry Secombe is surprised by Mr Punch at the Punch and Judy festival in Covent Garden, London. The former Goon was at the festival to launch an audio-cassette called Apple Punch, which he narrates. The story by Terry Pitts Fenby is based on the Punch and Judy story and ...

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    15 June, London

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    news focus


    Groups dynamic

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    Searching for the assembly instructions


    Primary care groups are like a piece of self-assembly furniture with lousy instructions admits Michael Dixon, the new chair of the PCG Alliance. Mark Gould reports

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    Snug as a bug in a surgery


    Clinical confidentiality is under threat from laws that will allow interception of e-mails and covert surveillance - a practice also known as bugging. Peter Mitchell reports