Latest news – Page 2844

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    Don't stop praying


    Rarely has mental health been more in the political eye; rarely has there been greater potential to improve mental health services.

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    Rebut me no buts



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    Conduct unbecoming



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    on the record


    JANE KEEP is special projects adviser at the NHS Confederation and a fellow of Birmingham University's health services management centre. She has worked in the NHS for 18 years, including in acute units in Oxford and Bristol and at a nurse education college in Birmingham.

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    in person


    Rob Larkman (above) has been appointed chief executive of Camden and Islington Community Health Services trust. Mr Larkman has worked for the trust since its creation in 1993, initially as finance director and more recently as resources director.

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    Lore on audit


    There's much talk about the value of clinical audit - in theory. Now a survey of trusts offers an overview of the real costs and benefits of their clinical audit departments. Rowena Barnes and Karen Hansed explain

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    DoH faces legal threat over CMO interview 'shambles'



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    Calls for halt to £200m PFI development


    Calls for Scotland's most prestigious hospital building project to be pulled out of the private finance initiative intensified this week with a row over data.

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    Protest against debt in the developing world


    Debt-ermined: doctors, nurses and medical students joined a 50,000-strong human chain around Birmingham's International Convention Centre and surrounding buildings last Saturday to protest to G8 leaders against debt in the developing world.

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    Slow-acting remedy


    A survey of community trusts found little movement towards evidence-based practice and considerable ignorance of the research and development strategy. Kimmy Eldridge and Nigel South report

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    Bringing back 'home rule'


    A 'yes' vote in tomorrow's referendum will signal fundamental changes to Northern Ireland's health service. Pat Healy reports

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    The human factor


    Trusts and HAs may not have the capacity to cope with the new human resources strategy. Mark Crail reports

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    Royal blues


    A powerful political and medical alliance is calling for a halt to the £200m Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh PFI deal. Barbara Millar reports

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    US and them


    With the US pharmaceutical giants targeting the elusive UK market, the issue of whether drug companies should be able to advertise their wares direct to the public is more pertinent than ever. Caroline White reports

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    Court out


    Criminal negligence cases cost the NHS more than £200m last year and the health secretary is determined to tackle the problem. Jo Carlowe reports

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    Primary concerns


    Academics are warning that the shift to primary care groups is fraught with dangers. Mark Crail reports

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    In Brief: Government's new information technology strategy


    The launch of the government's new information technology strategy for the NHS has been delayed again while health ministers examine its financial implications. Publication is now tentatively scheduled for July, an NHS Executive spokesperson said this week.

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    In Brief: Ashworth special hospital authority


    Ashworth special hospital authority has announced that chief executive Hilary Hodge will remain 'off site' until Dame Fiona Caldicott has completed her review. Dr Hodge, who denies accusations of 'macho management', said she believed this would help the review 'to proceed in the most open and honest environment possible'.

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    In Brief: Alan Milburn


    Health minister Alan Milburn this week launched 15 pilot schemes to improve access to NHS dentistry and improve oral health. He also announced that an additional £600,000 had been found to fund the preparatory year of the schemes, which have been developed by health authorities under the Primary Care Act ...