Latest news – Page 2849

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    Scots trusts told to open PFI plans to public scrutiny


    Scottish trusts have been told to open up key private finance initiative documents to public scrutiny.

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    Parting of ways on Whitechapel project


    A trust involved in a high-profile private finance initiative project parted company with its private partner last week.

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    Doubts cast on dramatic fall in hospital deaths


    Hospital deaths and emergency admissions have fallen dramatically at trusts taking part in a programme to tackle poor clinical outcomes.

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    Primary care group money fails to quell fears as GPs deliver ultimatum


    Ministers last week pledged a pounds22m boost for the new primary care groups but failed to allay doctors' fears about the way the changes are being managed.

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    Holy alliance:


    Holy alliance: Reverend John Palin, chaplain for Doncaster Healthcare trust, in front of one of six new hand-crafted stained glass windows in St Catherine's chapel at the multi-faith Spiritual Care Centre, which recently opened in Tickhill Road Hospital's former Oak ward. Local artist Alan Moston created the windows, which depict ...

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    Ministers move cautiously on pooled budgets


    Pooled budgets for health and social services will eventually be introduced but they are not a 'magic wand' for breaking down inter-agency barriers, MPs heard last week.

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    The British Medical Association's council has voted unanimously to join the Jubilee 2000 campaign, which is calling for a 'once and for all' cancellation of third world debt. Council chair Sandy Macara has already written to the prime minister and senior government figures urging them to take a lead on ...

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    MPs 'shocked' at wait for cataract ops in Scotland


    The NHS in Scotland has come under fire from MPs for a failure to achieve targets for cataract surgery and so realise annual savings of pounds1.5m.

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    Bona Lisa:


    Bona Lisa: one of the 20 images on show at the Wellcome Trust's Two10 gallery in the sixth of a series of exhibitions 'exploring the relationship between contemporary medical science and art'. This picture shows a 2.8mm sample of bone from an 89-year-old woman with osteoporosis.The biomedical image awards - ...

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    Row over cause of ambulance response rate fall


    Managers have disputed claims of a sharp decline in ambulance response rates in south-west London following the reduction of accident and emergency services.

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    news focus


    This time next year, a new UK association for public health could be up and running.

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    What's in a name?


    PHA was set up in 1987, as part of the resistance to the developing agenda of the Conservative government, by a group of people who met at the Health Education Council.

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    I re-think therefore I am


    live from leeds

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    Target practice


    Though recognising their health-promotion role, even GPs in one fairly affluent area are unsure of how to work across agencies to meet targets, reveals a survey by Thoreya Swage and Judi Linney

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    Predicting demographic change is a tricky business. The one thing certain, says John Appleby, is that people will live longer and this will have a considerable impact on healthcare costs

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    on the record


    JUNE McKERROW has been director of the Mental Health Foundation since 1992. She previously worked for 25 years in housing and homelessness, most recently at Stonham establishing community-based alternatives to institutional living for people with special needs.

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    in person


    Glasgow Royal Infirmary University trust medical director Bill Anderson (above) has taken over as the trust's acting chief executive. He replaces Nigel Clifford who has left to join Cable & Wireless.

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    PHARMACY OF THE FUTURE 19 May, Birmingham MEL Research and Aston University's school of pharmacy are organising Pharmacy in the 21st century: where next? Details: Stacey Sadler, 0121-604 4664.

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    Mental health groups accuse Labour of going back on election promises


    Mental health groups reacted with dismay this week to the government's asyet still-secret plans for a shift in policy on community care backed by £50m a year investment in NHS mental health services.