Latest news – Page 2850

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    Looking into the future


    Dr Hywel Lloyd demonstrates equipment from Telediab, a project that uses eye examinations to check for signs of diabetes, at the Wales telemedicine conference in Cardiff.

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    Blair picks 'list buster' to crack down on waiting


    Prime Minister Tony Blair marked his first year in office last week by stepping up action on hospital waiting lists, which he said were still 'unacceptably high'.

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    In Brief: Hospital porters ballot on industrial action


    Hospital porters at Leicester Royal Infirmary are threatening to hold a ballot on industrial action following the breakdown of talks over plans by private contractor Serco, which provides portering services at the hospital, to scrap their bonus payments.

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    In Brief: Former nurse Gloria Justice


    Former nurse Gloria Justice, whose career ended when she injured her back lifting a patient at Newcastle's Walkergate Hospital eight years ago, has been awarded £90,000. Ms Justice claimed she had not been trained in safe lifting techniques.

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    In Brief: Values into Action study


    Hundreds of thousands of pounds are being wasted keeping people with learning difficulties in residential care when it would be cheaper to help them live at home, a government-funded study by the charity Values into Action says. The Cost of Opportunity: purchasing strategies in the housing and support arrangements of ...

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    In Brief: Minimum safe size for units


    New acute inpatient units for adult mental health should be limited to between 10 and 15 beds, the Royal College of Psychiatrists recommends. The minimum safe size for units, which should be housed in district general hospitals, is likely to be three 15-bedded wards, its report says. Not Just Bricks ...

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    In Brief: Expert consortium set up


    An expert consortium has been set up by the NHS Executive and the Department of Health to examine the feasibility of developing occupational standards defining national good practice for scientists and technicians within the NHS.

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    In Brief: Campaign for Freedom of Information annual award


    Neil Woodward, a medical scientist who exposed the extent of misreporting of cervical smears at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital on Channel 4's Dispatches programme last year, has received a Campaign for Freedom of Information annual award.

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    Former chief executive denies clinical responsibility


    A former hospital manager claimed last week that 'crossing the bridge' from being a doctor to becoming a chief executive meant he could be held to account only as a manager.

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    Computer error leads to smear recalls failure


    Scottish health minister Sam Galbraith has demanded an explanation from health board managers on how a computer error led to 4,500 women failing to receive smear test recalls.

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    Scottish doctor says charges 'trumped up'


    A doctor told an industrial tribunal last week that he was dismissed by a Scottish trust on 'trumped up charges based on false allegations'.

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    In Brief: Year 2000 bug


    Less than a quarter of NHS computer systems have been safeguarded against the year 2000 bug, according to preliminary findings of a survey by the independent consultancy Solace, commissioned by software house Prove It 2000. Only 6 per cent of the 1,024 organisations surveyed hold guarantees that the bug will ...

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    In Brief: Scotland's record on food poisoning


    The Commons select committee on agriculture has called for an urgent inquiry into why Scotland's record on food poisoning is much worse than the UK's. Latest figures show Scotland had 199 cases per 100,000 population compared with 180 in England and Wales.

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    In Brief: Nurse Sylvia Sparrow in court


    Nurse Sylvia Sparrow is taking St Andrews Homes to court, claiming that smoking by elderly patients in a nursing home where she formerly worked caused her breathing difficulties. It is the first passive smoking case in a British court, opening at the High Court in Manchester this week.

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    In Brief: Berkshire health authority accepts liability


    Berkshire health authority has accepted liability for the severe brain damage at birth of Lesley Wildsmith, now aged 24.

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    In Brief: Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary


    Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary, which is facing two fatal accident inquiries on patients who died after 'keyhole surgery', claims to be the first Scottish trust to set up a clinical effectiveness unit to ensure that all staff follow best practice.

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    In Brief: 'Hospital watch' scheme


    A 'hospital watch' scheme launched at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, in association with Paddington Green police station aims to combat rising crime on the wards.

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    Scotland warned over cash targets


    Scottish health organisations have been warned against manipulating payments to meet cash targets by the head of the National Audit Office.

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    Ideas plea to cut litigation


    Patients must have 'more realistic expectations' of the NHS', health secretary Frank Dobson has warned.

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    Nursing goes out to tender


    A health authority is to put a town's community nursing service out to tender despite claims by the current provider that it will cost managers £2.2m to shift the £6m contract.