Latest news – Page 2853

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    Government speeds up on proposed single regional office for London


    The government is to speed up the proposed single regional office for London, health secretary Frank Dobson announced this week.

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    Choice Act


    Anne Marie Keary and six-month-old twins Roisin and Sam, celebrated the 30th anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act on Monday with fellow campaigners outside the Houses of Parliament. The event was followed by the launch of a campaign, Voice for Choice, to allow abortions in the first three months of ...

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    Two primary care lobbies to vote on merger


    Two primary care lobbies plan to merge into a single organisation.

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    Mental health organisations disagree on use of suicide as target measure


    Consultation on the government's public health green paper closed today with mental health organisations deeply divided over proposals to use suicides as a measure of mental illness.

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    Bid to ban scrip data sales


    The NHS Executive is preparing for a legal showdown that could halt the sale of prescription data by community pharmacists to the drugs industry.

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    Better Beds for Health Care


    While health managers have been falling over themselves to fill their hospitals with up-to-date clinical gadgetry, the most fundamental piece of equipment has been overlooked. A report from the King's Fund this week berates NHS managers for the predominance of 'low-tech' beds in hospitals and nursing and residential units and ...

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    Trust chair steps down in row over merger plan


    A trust chair has quit in a row over 'supertrust' merger plans. Michael Welsh announced his decision at a Chorley and South Ribble trust board meeting last week.

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    In Brief: Survey on waiting for admission


    Shadow health secretary John Maples said last week that Londoners had been betrayed by the Labour government after a survey of London hospitals showed the number of patients waiting for admission for more than 12 months increased by 660 in the last quarter of 1997. The survey, compiled from Department ...

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    In Brief: Complaints about changes to the dentists' fee scale


    Tony Kravitz, chair of the British Dental Association's general dental services committee, has complained to the Department of Health about the way changes to the dentists' fee scale were introduced earlier this year. Mr Kravitz said the GDSC was not given time to take expert advice before commenting on the ...

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    In Brief: Number of registered nursing homes rise


    The number of registered nursing homes in England rose by 4 per cent last year to 5,560, according to figures from the Department of Health. But the percentage of beds occupied fell from 81 per cent to 79 per cent.

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    In Brief: Help for GP recruitment and retention problems in Wales


    The Welsh Office has agreed a £500,000 programme of educational support and development opportunities for GPs with the department of postgraduate education for general practice at the University of Wales college of medicine. Welsh health minister Win Griffiths said he was 'confident' it would help with GP recruitment and retention ...

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    Sackings spark attack on Management Executive


    The dramatic sacking last week of four non-executive directors of Tayside health board has led to scathing criticism of the NHS Management Executive in Scotland.

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    Eye catching


    Muscles of head, eye and larynx , by artist JF Gautier d'Agoty in 1745.

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    Best value test for tendering


    Competitive tendering is likely to remain in the NHS but could be influenced by the 'best-value' schemes operating in local authorities, NHS chief executive Alan Langlands said last week.

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    Screen performance


    Some health authorities are failing to meet their cervical screening targets. MarkCrail reports on the best and worst

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    Who's sorry now?


    If Frank Dobson went down badly at the RCN congress, his Tory counterpart did even worse. Lyn Whitfield reports

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    Let the people come


    The long-term care royal commission roadshow is on its way, giving commissioners valuable insight into the public's views on service reorganisation. Barbara Millar reports

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    Pains, strains and automobiles



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    Keeping in touch



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    Make the young pay for the old


    Thinking the unthinkable is a New Labour buzz phrase, particularly in relation to the welfare state and its flagship, the NHS. But how unthinkable? How courageous are our politicians prepared to be in formulating policy? How much imagination will managers be allowed to show, and health professionals and patients be ...