Latest news – Page 2857

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    Why Bickerstaffe is still no Buddy of New Labour


    I don't know where you were when the Easter pay debate erupted. But St Ives in Cornwall was as good a vantage point as any. Pay is notoriously low and seasonal in the West Country, though indices of poverty (and thus of NHS grants) are distorted by high levels of ...

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    Will there be more turmoil at the National BloodLetting Authority now Dobbo has persuaded Sir Colin Walker to depart, following all those little problems Prof Cash uncovered? At least chief executive John Adey would have access to the best possible job advice, if push came to shove.

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    The BSE Inquiry returns on Monday to take evidence on the role played by animal foodstuffs in creating and sustaining the outbreak. If the testimony given by witnesses so far is any precedent, it is likely to be political dynamite.

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    All our Yesterdays


    23 April 1948

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    Dying for a good meal?


    The NHS serves 3 million meals a day - more than any other organisation in the UK, even McDonald's. But more than a third of hospital patients suffer from malnutrition. Barbara Millar reports on initiatives to improve standards

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    All for a guinea a week


    Only the sickest patients could hope for a real egg when hospitals had to feed patients on 21 shillings a week. Bernadette Friend recalls rationing and racketeering in the early NHS

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    Finance managers: give us timetable for latest reforms


    Finance managers have warned the government to get to grips with the process of implementing its NHS reforms before it is too late. They want a timetable by the end of the month, setting out the work needed to implement the white paper.

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    13 HAs fail to reach targets for screening


    Thirteen health authorities failed to screen sufficient women to reach the national target for cervical screening in 1996-97, the National Audit Office said this week.

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    Hands of history?


    Public health minister Tessa Jowell makes her mark as she formally launches the health action zone for Manchester, Salford and Trafford this week. She presents a display of handprints from local children whose health prospects will be a key focus for the HAZ. Work has started on the seven year ...

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    Professional approaches


    Designating cancer units requires time, tact and training. Liz Scott and colleagues describe one system

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    on the record


    ANDREW CORBETT-NOLAN is director of Health Services Accreditation and deputy chair of the Terrence Higgins Trust. A medieval historian by background, he joined the NHS in 1987. He has led the development of HSA since its inception in a pub in 1991 to its current status as a national programme.

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    in person


    Ian Cumming (above) has become chief executive of the recently created Morecambe Bay Hospitals trust. He was formerly chief executive of Lancaster Acute Hospitals trust and oversaw its merger with Furness Hospitals trust and Westmorland Hospitals trust to form the organisation he now leads.

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    WORKING TOGETHER 5 May, Birmingham Health and local authorities working together: beyond the basics is the second 'exchange workshop' arranged by the Health Education Authority's integrated purchasing programme. Details: David Albury, 0171-837 9600.

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    Christmas 'cancelled' as IT bug panic bites across NHS


    Hospitals are set to cancel Christmas leave for many staff next year to guard against potential disaster from the millennium IT bug.

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    Health secretary is asked to stop closures


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has been urged to stop the closure of continuing care beds at a London hospital because the community health council says the consultation process was 'inadequate'.

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    Ambulance manager fired after inquiry


    One manager has been sacked and another 'exonerated' following an internal inquiry by London Ambulance Service trust linked to the unfair dismissals of two crew members.

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    In Brief: Bowel cancer


    An extra £10m is to be made available to treat people with bowel cancer, health secretary Frank Dobson said this week.

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    In Brief: E coli food poisoning


    A public inquiry into the world's worst E coli food poisoning outbreak, which killed at least 20 people in central Scotland in 1996, has opened in Motherwell. Sheriff principal Graham Cox is expected to hear from 150 witnesses over the next three months.

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    In Brief: Multiple Sclerosis Society


    The Multiple Sclerosis Society this week pressed the government to give teeth to its white paper commitment to set national standards of healthcare. Until equitable guidelines are in place patients will continue to face 'the postcode lottery on new drug treatments and services' the society said. With the National Hospital ...

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    In Brief: British Medical Association


    The British Medical Association has welcomed a highly critical report on Britain's two immigration detention centres by the chief inspector of prisons, Sir David Ramsbotham. It identified gaps in basic healthcare and recommended an audit of healthcare needs.