Latest news – Page 2860

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    All our Yesterdays


    16 April 1948

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    Summer is on its way, and the chance to jet off to sunnier climes. But do think carefully before you book your holiday for the following year - and try not to worry if you're 20,000 ft up at midnight on 21 August 1999. They will have sorted out the ...

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    HAZs warning


    The lessons of earlier area-based approaches to health and social welfare should be heeded if health action zones are to avoid past pitfalls, says Joan Higgins

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    Prospects of partnership


    The strategic joint working envisaged in the The New NHS white paper requires a partnership approach at the front line, argues Bob Hudson

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    Be part of the deal


    Junior doctors have a poor knowledge of the New Deal, so how can they know if it is being implemented? Nicola Cooper explains how trusts can get them involved

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    NHS faces entire Y2k bill


    Trusts and HAs must prepare to be left in the lurch by their insurers on 1 January 2000, according to an NHS Executive report on the year 2000 problem.

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    GP systems 'poor value for money'


    More than a quarter of GPs regard their computer system as poor value for money, according to a survey by the NHS Executive.

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    Bed-manager package could ease shortages


    West Suffolk Hospital is beta testing a new Windows software package for planning and monitoring bed use.

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    In Brief: PAS system


    North Hants trust and Loddon Community trust have ordered a £1.75m PAS system from local supplier SMS. The system includes SMS's clinical and management information system Infocom.

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    In Brief: Heart Hospital


    London's newly built private hospital, the Heart Hospital, has opened a telemedicine facility in conjunction with Interclinical Telemedicine Network, even before it has begun admitting inpatients. The partnership began receiving live case data in March from the El-Maadi military hospital in Cairo.

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    In Brief: United Leeds Teaching Hospitals trust


    Guernsey's board of health has joined United Leeds Teaching Hospitals trust in installing Computer Associates' Unicenter TNG package for hospital system support.

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    in person


    Paul Farenden (above) has been appointed chief executive of the Dudley Group of Hospitals trust.

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    where are they now? No 75 Noel Flannery


    Pocket profile:

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    Taken on board


    Unwelcome arrivals on some trust boards initially, nurse executives are proving their worth. But keeping a balance between corporate management and professional leadership can be a headache. Ann Dix reports

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    ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE 30 April, Loughborough PharmEDI is a joint NHS/pharmaceutical manufacturers' forum to promote the use of EDI within the healthcare system. Details: John Sithers, 01908-661101.

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    HAs ordered to get primary care groups sorted by July


    Managers' leaders, health unions and GPs this week welcomed new guidance from the government on the future shape of primary care commissioning.

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    'Carrot and stick' to cut waiting lists


    A £32m performance fund has been created to encourage health authorities to meet new waiting list targets.

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    this week


    Dateline Glasgow 3am: a triage nurse pacifies a patient in Glasgow Royal Infirmary's accident and emergency department. Photo-journalist Harriet Logan's pictures of the NHS at work in Glasgow and Sheffield are included in an exhibition organised by Network photographers to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the NHS. It opens on ...

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    Series of scandals leads to 'legal duty of quality' move


    Hospital managers will face legal action if clinical care fails to meet acceptable standards, health minister Alan Milburn announced this week.

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    RCN calls for free long-term care for elderly


    All older people should have free long term healthcare, the Royal College of Nursing said this week in evidence to the Royal Commission on long-term care for the elderly.