Latest news – Page 2868

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    Direct action


    Health minister Baroness Jay receives advice from nurse Joanne Wersell (centre, wearing headset) and staff from Lancashire Ambulance Service trust.

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    In Brief: Public health action plan for Wales


    A public health action plan is being developed for Wales and should be issued this autumn, Welsh health minister Win Griffiths said last week. The plan will include targets to improve children's health services.

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    In Brief: Tuberculosis


    Tuberculosis is out of control in at least 20 countries and poor management programmes are allowing drug-resistant forms of the disease to emerge, the World Health Organisation warned last week. Cases have risen by 13 per cent worldwide since WHO declared TB a 'global emergency' in 1993.

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    In Brief: Medact


    The lives of 21 million African children could be saved by the year 2000 if developing world debt was cancelled and the money diverted to healthcare and poverty reduction, campaigning organisation Medact has claimed. It is now urging health professionals to support a campaign to get unpayable debt cancelled, focusing ...

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    In Brief: The Association for the Prevention of Addiction


    A drugs agency has claimed help for addicts should be targeted at older teenagers after a survey identified a 'seven-year gulf' between users starting on drugs and seeking help. The Association for the Prevention of Addiction, which relaunched this week as Addaction, found that, on average, users start taking drugs ...

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    In Brief: The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy


    The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has appointed a new chief executive. Phil Gray, labour relations director at the Royal College of Nursing, will take up the post left vacant when Paul Lambden resigned amid controversy about an after dinner speech he gave in October. Mr Gray was CSP industrial relations ...

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    Private cash plan for health centres


    Redevelopment schemes for up to 30 health centres could be 'batched' together into single private finance initiative deals in an attempt to boost private sector investment outside the acute hospital sector, health minister Alan Milburn revealed last week.

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    Economics guru urges Labour to scrap PFI


    New Labour economics guru and Observer editor Will Hutton has urged the government to scrap the private finance initiative.

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    GMC finds fatal heart op doctor guilty


    A consultant who carried out a fatal heart procedure on a six-year-old girl has been found guilty of serious professional misconduct for acting without her parents' consent.

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    Calls for urgent action over sickness levels


    A wide-ranging coalition of management and staff organisations has called for 'urgent and compassionate action' to tackle 'worrying' levels of sickness among NHS employees.

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    New pay system 'could cut managers' earning power'


    An overhaul of the senior managers' pay system being introduced next month is premature and could cut individuals' earning potential, Unison and the Institute of Health Services Management have warned.

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    Weaknesses at LAS might have caused death


    Weaknesses in the leadership, management, discipline and organisational structure of the London ambulance service may have been responsible for the behaviour of a crew that refused to take a dying man to hospital, according to an independent panel.

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    Now ain't that squeak


    Ron Green of Wolverhampton uses a squeaky toy to summon a nurse on a ward for elderly people recovering from strokes at West Park Hospital. Staff bought 30 toys for the ward after its 17-year-old nurse-call system broke down. Hospital general manager Christine Irwin said: 'They are not ideal, but ...

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    UKCC demands tougher line on imposter nurses


    Nursing's regulatory body is calling for more punitive legal sanctions against imposters who pose as qualified nurses.

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    Anaesthetist wins backing for equal status


    A US-trained anaesthetist fighting for consultant status in Britain has claimed to have won the backing of a prominent US doctor in a case which could have implications for medical workforce planning.

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    Security advice issued


    Seeing red can make patients do just that, according to new security advice being issued to hospitals by the government.

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    Reforms 'will fail' without £7bn capital boost


    The government will need more than £7bn investment from the private sector to make its NHS reforms work, independent consultants have estimated.

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    List targets: sanctions loom


    Managers were preparing this week to hear precisely what 'sanctions' they face if they fail to hit tough new waiting list targets ordered by health secretary Frank Dobson.

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    In Brief: 'epidemic' of alcohol-related problems


    Casualty departments are having to cope with an 'epidemic' of alcohol-related problems, says the Health Education Authority. Such problems affect up to eight out of 10 people needing treatment in accident and emergency at peak times, a survey of 224 A&E department shows. Staff say a third of all alcohol-related ...

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    In Brief: Central Council for Nursing


    The United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting is to launch a study into the demands placed on nurses in the prison and secure mental health services .