Latest news – Page 2874

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    How to write more clearly


    The Plain English Campaign advises:

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    Clarity begins at home


    Presenting health service information in the language ordinary people speak and listening to public feedback will do much to improve communication, says Hilary Spiers reports

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    Key Points


    The NHS's failure to use plain English is a long-standing and widely acknowledged problem.

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    The home team


    A trust's reorganisation of mental health services for elderly people led to a dramatic decrease in

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    Key Points


    Reorganising a mental health service for elderly people to ensure most care can be given in the client's home has led to a dramatic decrease in admissions.

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    1 Goudie F, Stokes G. The Community Assessment Project. Unpublished report for Coventry Health Authority, 1990.

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    A report of an inquiry into allegations that senior managers at Tayside health board made 'irregular and possibly unlawful payments' of more than pounds200,000 has been passed to the Procurator Fiscal and the Crown Office. They are expected to decide within two weeks whether to start legal proceedings against individuals. ...

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    Expert tells GPs to recruit high-paid chiefs for PCGs


    GPs must recruit high-paid, high-powered chief executives to run primary care groups or watch them founder, a top health policy analyst warned last week.

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    Officials accused over complaint


    Two Scottish trust officials have been accused of pressurising a patient to withdraw a complaint of sexual malpractice against a consultant gynaecologist.

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    Police surgeon service needs 'urgent' updating


    The Audit Commission has called for 'urgent modernisation' of the police surgeon service.

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    London Ambulance suspends two managers after sackings tribunal


    London Ambulance Service trust has suspended two managers following an industrial tribunal finding in favour of two workers sacked after a damning report by the managers into their conduct.

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    Health secretary Frank Dobson


    Health secretary Frank Dobson, addressing the annual dinner of the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee this week, was apparently stung by criticism by one of the guests that he was boring. The committee named West Sussex health authority non-executive Knighton Berry as the culprit. He was unavailable for comment as the ...

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    Scots doctors divided on centralisation


    Scottish doctors' views about whether services should be concentrated into bigger hospitals vary according to the type of hospital they work in and where they are based.

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    DoH alert failed to halt fatal op


    An 11th- hour intervention by the Department of Health failed to stop Bristol heart surgeons carrying out a fatal operation on an 18-month- old boy.

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    Has Labour been caught red-handed?


    According to the Conservative Party trust board appointments show evidence of 'Labour gerrymandering'.

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    The bat tles of Bottomley


    Love her or loathe her, Virginia Bottomley was a woman with crusading zeal. And, as Patrick Butler discovered, she still is

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    The Bottomley Years


    As health minister from 1989 to 1992, and then health secretary from 1992 to 1995, Virginia Bottomley's years at the Department of Health saw massive change. Among the highlights were...

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    Friendly society Does NAFP chair Rhidian Morris's exaltation to fundholders to 'start making these reforms work for you' herald a change of heart towards Labour policy? Mark Crail reports


    Fundholders' leader Rhidian Morris last week urged his members to throw off their 'depression' over the abolition of fundholding and 'start making these reforms work for you'.

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    Cutting a figure


    On Friday and Saturday nights, Birmingham sees a vast influx of young people into the thriving clubs and pubs of the redeveloped city centre.

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    Killer facts


    Someone in England dies every hour from accidental causes.