Latest news – Page 2879

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    BY HOWARD BERLINER Premium rate calls


    In his State of the Union address last month, President Clinton put forward the idea of allowing the 'near elderly' - those between the ages of 55 and 64 - to buy into Medicare.

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    Is Cap'n Dobson set to jump ship to HMS London? BY MICHAEL WHITE


    Another turbulent seven days culminating in those weekend reports that, yes, hospital waiting lists are still growing, by 1,000 a week if figures compiled by Lib Dem health spokesman Simon Hughes are to be believed. It is proving just as hard to slow down and reverse the Atlantic liner as ...

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    The curse of Yorkshiregate


    The curse of Yorkshiregate continues to cast its malign influence over those caught up in the scandal. Former Yorkshire regional general manager Keith McLean, whose hold on high office became untenable amid allegations that the regional health authority handed out dodgy relocation payments and partied at the tax-payers' expense, was ...

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    All our Yesterdays


    20 February 1948

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    When the millennium parties are just a memory, the celebratory fizz has gone flat and we're all sick to death of That Dome, what do we have to look forward to? Well, there's always the April 2001 census. And, for the first time since the series began in 1841, people ...

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    From paper to practice


    White paper proposals for primary care groups are evidence of the government coming up with something 'new'. But, asks Andrew Wall, are they really anything more than an uneasy mix of naivety

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    Key Points


    The proposed size of primary care groups may prove problematic.

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    Remains of the day


    Providers should look at new uses for the day hospital in providing comprehensive elderly care

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    1 National Audit Office. National Health Service Day Hospitals for Elderly People in England. London: HMSO, 1994.

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    Get ting to know me


    A course on self- development left Gill Bennett questioning everything she believed about herself

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    In person


    Roy Male (above), deputy chief executive of Addenbrooke's trust, has been appointed trust chief executive. He is expected to take up his new post in the summer when current chief executive John Ashbourne retires.

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    Where are they now?


    UK Academy of Medicine

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    11-12 March, Birmingham

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    Financial forecasts 'not up to scratch in a third of trusts'


    At least a third of trusts need to improve their financial forecasting, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants warned this week.

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    HAs to set their own green paper targets


    Health authorities will be encouraged to set their own targets to tackle local health problems, public health minister Tessa Jowell told the Journal this week.

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    Health secretary Frank Dobson said this week he was 'extremely concerned about the increasing tide of litigation besetting the health service' and that it was affecting the way doctors practised. He told the Commons select committee on public administration that he was looking for ways to 'prevent the health service ...

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    'Terror team' mastermind was former board manager


    A former Scottish health board manager who masterminded a gang which carried out random attacks on strangers was jailed this week for four-and-a-half years.

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    Flawed figures claim in Lothian service review


    An ambitious plan to reorganise acute services in Lothian faced fresh opposition this week amid renewed claims it is based on ‘flawed’ figures.

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    Scottish trust chair 'resigns over cuts'


    A Scottish trust chair has resigned, allegedly in protest at planned service cuts.

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    pounds1m development cash announced to upgrade top managers' training


    Health officials this week unveiled plans to groom a 'cadre' of top managers and hinted at the damage done to training by past NHS reforms.