Latest news – Page 2881

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    Sense of authority


    In the first of this week's two-part look at NHS board appointments, Pat Healy reports on the influx of councillors with social services backgrounds

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    Board-game losers


    Tory attempts to 'expose' wrongdoing in the government's handling of NHS board appointments have fallen flat.

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    Something in the air


    Noxious car exhaust fumes and diesel smoke are costing the country pounds11bn a year through ill-health and early deaths, according to a report published by the British Lung Foundation this week.

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    Cambridge clean-up


    In Cambridge, health and local authorities are working together to reduce the impact of air pollution on the city centre and to improve the health, quality of life and the environment of those who use it.

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    Ashes to ashes


    There is a long way to go yet before the EU ban on tobacco advertising becomes a reality. Tony Sheldon reports on the hurdles it still has to jump

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    Where initiative HAZ worked


    'At the very least, ministers should examine whether those whose HAZ bids do not succeed could go ahead with some aspects of their proposals while decisions are made about a second wave'

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    Ministers need teeth to stop decay


    In the fortnight between the Journal's publication of a draft version of the public health green paper (see News and News Focus, 22 January) and the official launch of Our Healthier Nation last week (see News, page 9), some of the language changed, but little of the substance.

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    More ambitious public health agenda for Scotland


    Ministers in Scotland have opted to set a wider range of national targets than England's in the battle to improve public health.

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    Models may standardise PFI bidding


    A government taskforce called this week for standard models for procuring hospital private finance intiative projects.

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    Doctors have accused Welsh health authorities of pre-empting consultation on the setting up of local health groups as envisaged by the government's white paper. British Medical Association Welsh council chair Bryn John said he was disturbed that HAs seemed to be making decisions before the legal framework for the groups ...

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    Tyne & Wear reveals HAZ potential to save pounds80m


    Health and local government leaders predict they can squeeze pounds80m a year more out of existing resources under ambitious plans to pilot new models of care in Tyne & Wear.

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    'No Labour deadheads' on boards


    Health secretary Frank Dobson came under fire last week for not putting enough Labour councillors onto trust boards.

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    London mental health wards turn away patients


    A quarter of acute psychiatric wards in London are unable to admit severely disturbed patients, even though extra beds have been made available, according to a survey published this week.

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    Commissioning must be flexible to achieve targets, research suggests


    Ministers may have to adopt a more 'flexible' approach to GP commissioning if they want it to deliver all their objectives for the NHS, research suggests.

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    GPs force HA and trust to drop cuts plan


    London GPs have forced a health authority and trust to drop plans to restrict doctors' access to diagnostic services.

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    Potential life saver


    Potential life saver: Welsh health minister Win Griffiths meets staff at Tenby ambulance station during a tour of the integrated hospital and ambulance service run by Pembrokeshire and Derwen trust last week. A fierce campaign is being waged to stop the service being absorbed into an all-Wales ambulance trust, if ...

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    Executive halts ACHCEW legal service tender bids


    Health officials have abandoned moves to find new lawyers for a national patients' group.

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    Newham Community Health Services trust


    Newham Community Health Services trust planned to go to school this week to discuss health provision for young people. A trust board meeting was to be held at Brampton Manor School in Newham, east London, to hear students' views on services. Trust chair Peter Kenyon said the move was a ...

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    Anti-merger campaigners rat tle Bro Taf HA


    The chair of a Welsh health authority has claimed that staff have faced an 'unacceptable amount of lobbying' and 'threats' while drawing up trust reconfiguration plans.

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    Part-timers' pension cases go to Europe


    Test cases affecting the pensions of thousands of part-time health workers were referred to the European Court of Justice by the House of Lords last week.