Latest news – Page 2883

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    The woman WHO's taking over


    The election of Gro Harlem Brundtland as director-general of the World Health Organisation will provide it with a new lease of life and open doors to world leaders.

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    Gro Harlem Brundtland: curriculum vitae


    Gro Harlem Brundtland was born on 20 April 1939 in Oslo. She studied medicine at Oslo University, and obtained her MD degree in 1963. She received the degree of Master of Public Health from Harvard University in 1965.

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    Prevention is the cure


    Crime is a public health issue, and partnership is the way to tackle it if experiences in Los Angeles County hold lessons for the UK.

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    O f debatable value


    The white paper has little to say about mental health, but one organisation is trying to fill the vacuum via its web site.

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    More gain, more pain


    We may be living longer, but our extra years are marked by disability or long-term illness. Mark Crail reports on some surprising findings in the latest government statistics

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    Whooping for joy


    The expected four-yearly outbreak of whooping cough failed to materialise for the first time in 1994, after medical researchers succeeded in dispelling fears that immunisation against the illness caused brain damage.

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    Vive la difference


    While Britain and France are becoming are becoming closer in social and economic terms, as far as health is concerned there is a definite air of vive la difference.

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    For what it's worth


    The NHS is a strongly redistributive social benefit 'worth' up to pounds1,900 a year in post-tax income to the poorest one-fifth of households. Government economists calculate that households in the top 20 per cent income group, by contrast, benefit to an estimated value of pounds1,330. The average value of the ...

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    BY DAVID HUNTER Putting the 'national' in NHS


    'If the theme of integrated care is to become more than just a catchy slogan, the performance management agenda becomes critical. And it has to be about more than sending in high-profile hit-squads. Their arrival is a sign of failure, not of sound management practice'

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    VOL 108 NO 5590 THURSDAY 5 FEBRUARY 1998



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    Putting health on the cards


    Will the UK follow France and Germany in giving every citizen a health smartcard, asks Michael Cross

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    24 February, London

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    This week


    Pay-off time: Unison deputy head of health Malcolm Wing and Royal College of Nursing general secretary Christine Hancock, pictured outside the Department of Health's headquarters in Whitehall after receiving news of this year's pay awards for health service staff. See news, page 7.

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    Has warned: don't rush to set up primary care groups


    Health authorities are to be given a stern warning not to rush into making 'premature' arrangements for setting up the primary care groups proposed in the government's white paper.

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    Bart's is saved as cardiac and cancer centre


    Health secretary Frank Dobson said this week he had 'saved' St Bartholomew's Hospital by announcing it will become a specialist centre for cardiac and cancer care.

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    The NHS Confederation and the Institute of Health Services Management welcomed reports this week that the government is considering marking the 50th anniversary of the NHS this summer by announcing a permanent pounds2bn annual increase. Health secretary Frank Dobson is said to have urged the chancellor to boost NHS resources ...

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    Sense of mistrust replaces Ashworth 'gang culture'


    Managers have stamped out the gang culture that once ruled the corridors of Ashworth special hospital through increased security, an inquiry heard this week.

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    Barnet faces legal action on cuts


    A London trust and health authority are facing legal action from a community health council and doctors over a pounds7m package of cuts.

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    Milburn orders re-think on Gateshead proposals


    Health minister Alan Milburn has asked two trusts to re-examine merger proposals in the light of the government's white paper.

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    DoH admits to error but no 'secret agenda' in NHS board appointments


    Hundreds of recent NHS board appointments are to be investigated after the Department of Health admitted that an error during a trawl for new members may have led to a disproportionate number of Labour councillors getting jobs.