Latest news – Page 2888

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    Trust inquiry into attack on two women


    Three London trusts have set up an investigation into the care of an 18-year-old man who allegedly attacked two middle-aged women last week.

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    Bristol doctors fail to get charges dropped


    Three doctors accused of misconduct over the high infant mortality rate at Bristol Royal Infirmary last week lost an eight-day legal battle to have the charges against them thrown out on the basis that they had no case to answer.

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    HA's pounds4.3m cuts will tackle pounds7.2m debt


    A health authority has agreed a pounds4.3m package of cuts to tackle a pounds7.2m deficit next year. South Essex HA hopes the remaining pounds2.9m deficit can be closed through further efficiency savings.

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    Send in the hit squad


    Send in the hit squad: health minister Alan Milburn launches a consultation document on a performance framework for the NHS at an Adam Smith Institute seminar. Last Wednesday's seminar on raising standards in healthcare was one of a series of events organised by the right-wing think-tank on 'achieving Labour's aims'. ...

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    Nurses' fears for patient safet y - inquiry ordered


    Hospital managers have launched an inquiry after nurses claimed they were so overworked that patient safety was at risk.

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    Scottish health minister Sam Galbraith has announced a 'small number' of Scotland-wide events to mark the NHS's 50th anniversary. They include an anniversary service, a national conference and a concert by the Scottish Fiddle Orchestra.

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    HAs turn to private sector for mental health services


    Health authorities frustrated by the way mental health services are provided are increasingly turning to the private sector for solutions, a nationwide survey shows.

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    Getting the needle


    Getting the needle: West Lancashire teenage school students use word games and puzzles in a project aimed at persuading them to be immunised against tetanus, diphtheria and polio. The project was set up after research by West Lancashire trust senior lecturer Lily Batteson and school nurses Wendy Burchett and Dorothy ...

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    University cries foul in pounds12m tender


    A university has threatened legal action against the NHS Executive after losing a pounds12m nurse education contract.

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    Sacked trust chair with Tor y links is reappointed


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has been forced to reappoint a trust chair with Conservative Party connections less than two months after he sacked her.

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    Hardy annuals


    A trust's experiment with annual-hours working has reduced reliance on agency staff, saved thousands of pounds and proved popular with staff. Ed Rennie and Hazel Allanach explain

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    Key Points


    Employing nurses on annual-hours contracts which include on-call and stand-down duties has led to more efficient deployment of staff in relation to workload.

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    Suitable cases for treatment?


    Last year, a newspaper article by a public health consultant carelessly used the terms 'severe personality disorder' and 'psychopath' synonymously, stating that only 20 per cent of this group will improve with therapy and describing them as an 'impossible financial burden' on the NHS.1

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    Key Points


    Common misconceptions that people with severe personality disorders are 'undeserving and untreatable' often prevent them getting specialist treatment.

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    1 Ooi R. The Guardian, 2 July 1997.

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    VOL 108 NO 5588 THURSDAY 22 JANUARY 1998



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    Government policies are in danger of increasing children's vulnerability to mental health problems, the director of the Mental Health Foundation said at a conference in Sheffield last week. June McKerrow criticised the Department of Social Security's plans to end single-parent benefits before putting in place other supports, such as assistance ...

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    Managers slam 10% union pay claim as 'catastrophic'


    Managers' leaders have slammed as 'catastrophic' the 10 per cent pay claim by Unison on behalf of 256,000 NHS staff not covered by pay review bodies.

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    Cerebral palsy


    Cerebral palsy sufferer Hannah Davies receives encouragement from her mother (left) and conductor during a walking exercise at the National Institute of Conductive Education at Birmingham. Hannah is among those participating in a new kindergarten group for children aged three to seven, which focuses on teaching them practical daily-living skills, ...

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    Ex-estates chief jailed for stealing


    A health service manager convicted of pilfering nearly pounds40,000 from a health authority to help buy a Spanish holiday villa has been jailed for two-and-half years.