Latest news – Page 2891

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    Staff complain of exclusion from white paper


    Professionals and trade unions representing a range of NHS staff this week warned the government its reforms are excluding them.

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    Doctors' training to include management skills


    Radical proposals to put management at the heart of junior doctors' training have been accepted by professional bodies.

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    Welsh white paper outlines different GP structure plus role for Assembly


    Health professionals last week cautiously welcomed the white paper on the future of the NHS in Wales, but cast doubt on government claims that it will save pounds50m.

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    Doctors' lobby group changes name to broaden primary care base


    A primary care commissioning lobby group is set to change its name to reflect the 'new NHS' and enable it to draw a wider membership.

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    Mental health guidance 'will mean huge extra workload'


    Tens of thousands of patients may need to be assessed to determine if they should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, under new guidance issued by the NHS Executive. Managers fear a huge rise in workload in having to comply with the requirement.

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    Private health insurer BUPA


    Private health insurer BUPA has been invited to sponsor a review of the future of the NHS, looking at its likely development by 2020, as part of the NHS's 50th anniversary celebrations in July. NHS Confederation deputy chief executive Jean Trainor said, if it took part, the company would have ...

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    Scottish group suggests single Lothian trust


    A Scottish working group has raised the possibility of there being just one acute trust in Lothian, against the grain of government thinking.

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    Bristol heart surgeon received pounds150,000 in 'distinction awards'


    Bristol heart surgeon James Wisheart has received almost pounds150,000 in 'distinction awards' since concerns were raised about his performance in complex operations on small babies, it has emerged.

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    CHCs ask Dobson to act over legal ser vices tender


    Health secretary Frank Dobson has been urged to intervene to stop high street lawyers taking over the legal service of the Association of Community Health Councils of England and Wales.

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    It's quicker by tube


    It's quicker by tube: a pounds500,000 pharmacy unit at Bradford Royal Infirmary brings together the dispensary and the medicine preparation unit for the first time, and has a hi-tech air-tube delivery system which will speed up the transfer of prescriptions and drugs between the pharmacy and hospital wards. 'It signals ...

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    GP sues HA boss who 'lured away patients'


    A GP is suing a health authority chief executive in an attempt to prove he tried to lure patients away from his practice.

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    Director of DoH resources and services post goes to Straw's wife


    Alice Perkins, a career civil servant and wife of home secretary Jack Straw, has been appointed to one of the top jobs at the Department of Health.

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    VOL 108 NO 5587 THURSDAY 15 JANUARY 1998



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    In sickness, not in health


    Which NHS staff group smokes the most, and which drinks the least? And why are sickness absence rates so high? Mark Crail reports on a Health Education Authority survey

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    Community spirit


    One of the UK's smallest community trusts and its local GPs have set in motion a proposal to merge and create the UK's first primary care trust. Patrick Butler reports

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    Share and share alike


    Health workers in Glasgow are setting out to win a bigger share of NHS resources from richer areas. Barbara Millar investigates

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    Head start


    Pharmacists in one city are being allowed to prescribe head lice treatments. Pat Healy asks whether the idea will catch on

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    Consuming passions


    A Department of Health initiative could start a consumer revolution in healthcare research, claim its supporters. Annabelle May reports

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    Aims and values


    The aim of the standing advisory group is to ensure that consumer involvement in the NHS R&D programme improves the way research is prioritised, commissioned and disseminated.

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    Pilots need a soft landing


    'There is now an enthusiasm in the NHS for joint work with other agencies where at times in the past there was little more than trepidation and distrust'