All articles by Lawrence Dunhill – Page 56

  • Leeds General Infirmary

    Some trust chairs paid up to £45,000


    Standard salary for chair of non-foundation trusts is capped at £23,600, but exceptions can be agreed with the government TDA letters explain how chairs at two London trusts indicated they could not “agree to commit to a further term of office at their current rate” Annual reports show variation ...

  • Community nurse with patient
    HSJ Local

    Virgin and Optum shortlisted for contracts worth £65m


    West Lancashire CCG launches tender after CQC raised concerns about services run by Southport and Ormskirk Hospitals Trust Trust says not being shortlisted is a “very disappointing decision” Optum, Virgin Care, Lancashire Care FT and Bridgewater Community Healthcare invited for further discussions about contract COMMISSIONING: Two private companies ...

  • Surgery equipment surgeon theatre
    HSJ Local

    Specialised cancer services shake-up in Greater Manchester


    Transformation team confirms plans to reduce the number of surgical centres for oesophago-gastric and urology cancers There are three OG surgery sites and five sites for urology cancer surgery NHS England previously announced plans to consolidate the services on two sites but failed to achieve a consensus Health ...

  • Defeating deficits

    Exclusive: Deficit trusts more likely to provide worse care, research finds


    Providers with financial problems more likely to have quality concerns and operate from fewer hospital sites, according to Health Foundation research Report finds significant association between poor financial performance, spending on agency staff and the proportion of income received via the national tariff. No link found between financial performance ...

  • Hearing test
    HSJ Local

    £110m integrated care contracts attract just one bidder


    COMMISSIONING: A tender process for four elective care contracts attracted just one bidder following a formal procurement process in Greater Manchester.

  • Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals Foundation Trust

    Exclusive: One in four trusts plunge deeper into the red


    Majority of trusts already had large deficit plans at the start of the year, but are now even deeper in the red than expected HSJ has examined the finance reports for 136 acute trusts to reveal their latest recorded positions Of trusts reporting against original plans, Heart of England ...

  • Birmingham Heartlands Hospital

    Revealed: The trusts most behind on their financial targets


    HSJ research has revealed that more than a quarter of acute trusts reported a financial position which was more than £5m worse than planned for the first nine months of 2015-16.

  • News

    NHS providers facing £2.8bn deficit for 2015-16


    Provider sector’s current trajectory would result in a full-year deficit of £2.8bn for 2015-16, but “additional opportunities” for savings still being implemented Regulators target a deficit of £1.8bn, to prevent the Department of Health from breaching its revenue spending limit for NHS has been told that any overspend this ...

  • GP
    HSJ Local

    CCG links extra GP funding to new standards


    CCG to link £2.4m of extra funding to new quality standards Individual practices are unlikely to meet the standards without some form of collaboration with others Borough’s LMC is broadly supportive of the project Commissioners in Salford will invest an extra £2.4m in primary medical care next year, ...

  • Sir Robert Naylor

    Naylor appointed as government estates tsar


    UCLH chief executive will also focus on NHS land and buildings in London Comes after Lord Carter predicted that £1bn could be saved by 2019-20 through more efficient use of estates in the acute sector Lord Prior has suggested the work will help the government meet its “housing ambitions” ...

  • Targets

    One in three trusts reject financial targets for next year


    Regulators issued a financial “control totals” to every trust in England for 2016-17, which they must agree to, to secure their share of the £1.8bn sustainability and transformation fund NHS Providers says two-thirds of trusts have accepted their offer, but many have done so with conditions and caveats Finance ...

  • Jackie bene
    HSJ Local

    Third trust considers joining Dalton’s ‘hospital chain’


    Bolton was previously reluctant to join Salford Royal and Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh in their foundation group Trusts expected to retain separate boards under the new model, but could be run by a joint executive team The three FTs have begun discussions over reconfiguration of breast surgery and women’s ...

  • primary care
    HSJ Local

    Virgin legal challenge forces CCG to row back primary care plans


    Hull CCG wants to create geographical groups of practices, each operating as larger scale providers HSJ understands initial plan to create the groups were challenged by Virgin Care There will now be a full procurement process for eight GP practices, grouped into four lots COMMERICAL: A legal challenge ...

  • Savings must be found without any additional transitional finance to help establish new services

    Whistleblowing finance director warns trusts may be pushed to ‘cook the books’


    Finance director tells MPs regulators are pressurising providers to “potentially mislead the public and government departments” over their finances Trusts urged to meet their targets in 2015-16 to help DH balance revenue budget, and achieve financial balance next year Other finance director tells HSJ “they know where he or ...

  • Treasury

    Treasury gives £1.2bn boost to DH revenue budget


    DH confirms it will get an extra £205m from the Treasury, and transfer £950m from its capital budget to revenue spending Revised departmental funding estimates will be laid before Parliament today, before being debated and voted on in the coming weeks Bailout comes amid warnings that the DH could ...

  • Hospital merger puzzle
    HSJ Local

    Trust mergers should ‘come into fashion’, says chief executive


    Chief executives of Calderstones and Mersey Care trusts say more mergers should be used “to create organisations that are strong and sustainable” The trusts are due to merge this summer Comments follow turnarounds at Calderstones Hospital and Wexham Park STRUCTURE: Two more trust chief executives have made the ...

  • Manchester central new website

    NHS England ‘tightly in control of the purse strings’ for devo Manc


    Details of the devolution arrangements for 2016-17 show key changes affecting specialised services Main changes involve budgets being delegated to a Greater Manchester chief officer, an employee of NHS England. Local leaders say arrangements are “consistent with what we set out to do by this point” King’s Fund experts ...

  • Town hall sign
    HSJ Local

    Revealed: CCG and councils planning to form ‘one organisation’


    Councils and clinical commissioning groups in Greater Manchester are being encouraged to integrate their commissioning functions, as part of the region’s devolution project.

  • Research
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital trust orders ban on consultant study leave


    Letter to consultants at Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust also says leave already booked will have to be cancelled Cost-saving move described as “unprecedented” by a British Medical Association representative, who said it could raise concerns over patient safety Trust may breach its £19m deficit plan for 2015-16 ...

  • mental health depressed elderly woman wheelchair
    HSJ Local

    Learning disability patients in limbo after funding dispute


    Lancashire County Council has refused to meet the costs of patients being resettled in the community Council says NHS dowries “not enough” to fund care Some discharges already delayed by the dispute Care costs can be as much as £300,000 a year PATIENT EXPERIENCE: A funding dispute threatens ...