Leader – Page 4
Hunt acts fast to stop Liverpool becoming his Mid Staffs
This is the first time Jeremy Hunt has had to deal with a care scandal that both feels eerily like Mid Staffordshire, and that happened on the Conservatives’ watch.
A very NHS compromise
The planning guidance is based on a new compromise between Simon Stevens and Jeremy Hunt, but it underlines the fundamental problems afflicting the NHS, writes Alastair McLellan.
What 2018 will bring for NHS patients, staff and leaders
The NHS has known grimmer years than the one in which it will mark its 70th birthday, but probably not one that will feel as tough.
Revealed: The surprising answer to fixing the NHS's A&E crisis
This year’s HSJ100 highlighted the Mexican standoff between Simon Stevens and Jeremy Hunt over whether the NHS had enough money to deliver on its priorities – particularly A&E access and elective waiting times.
'Which of the children do we shoot first?' - the budget leaves the NHS with harsh choices
The government has a very clear ambition for the £1.6bn additional funding allocated to the NHS for 2018-19. £1bn is to be used to arrest the decline in elective waiting times and to begin to reduce the waiting list; £600m will be employed to make sure the NHS meets the ...
Pay rises are not the priority for the NHS
This will not be the most popular of HSJ editorials. There is no doubt that most NHS staff deserve an inflation matching, even busting, pay raise – but there are also good reasons why they should not receive one.
Grenfell: There but for the grace of God goes the NHS
The terrible fire at Grenfell Tower will be a defining moment in British public life just as “Baby P”, the Hillsborough disaster or the killing of Stephen Lawrence caused a major recalibration of our attitudes to social work, public safety and institutional racism.
STPs may soon face a wave of judicial reviews
We live in an era of political populism, whether it be “Brexit means Brexit” or “a new kind of politics”.
Humbled Tories will still take risks on NHS reform
Today’s election result has made a fool of Theresa May. But while expectations have been utterly confounded, we continue to have a just about viable Conservative government, with a programme resembling something like status quo for the health service.
Revealed: the Tory minister who could take Jeremy Hunt’s job
The NHS section of the Tory Manifesto begins with a statement which could have happily been penned by Jeremy Corbyn.
MPs criticise Stevens over better care fund 'accountability'
MPs find the Better Care Fund had not saved money, reduced emergency admissions to hospitals, or reduced delayed transfers of care
Four reasons why a 2017 general election could be good news for the NHS
Viewed over a three to five-year timeframe, the decision by Theresa May to call a snap election on 8 June could prove to be a net positive for the NHS.
Why the PM owes Simon Stevens – and what he wants in return
The refresh of the Five Year Forward View had some headline messages which HSJ explored in detail on Friday. But just as important was what the document and its reception tells us about the future nature and direction of NHS policy.
The budget brings war and peace to the NHS
Philip Hammond’s first and last spring budget will spark a fierce struggle over how the extra social care funding due next financial year is spent, but it also appears to signal a truce between NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens and the government over NHS funding.
Act now to give CCGs a good death
Clinical commissioning groups’ demise must be handled carefully and their achievements preserved
Simon Stevens will not resign – yet
It is likely that Number 10 did not choose to go to war with NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens over NHS funding. But they have had numerous warnings to avoid their “NHS has had more money than it asked for” line and have also continued to privately badmouth Mr ...
The 10 reasons why 2017 might not be all bad
An entire generation of healthcare leaders has come and gone since the NHS faced a year as daunting as 2017. The service was able to live off the capacity and capability built up during the time of plenty in the noughties until the middle of this decade before the funding ...
Updated: What Jeremy Hunt really thinks about NHS managers
There is a rule that all good journalists should abide by: if you get something wrong, correct and apologise, and do it quickly.
NHS funding is becoming a game of chicken
Many in the NHS believe that a bailout is just one or two scandals away – it is a dangerous assumption
Belief in the NHS is the one thing that remains united about the UK
This is an edited version of the opening speech made by editor Alastair McLellan at the 2016 HSJ Awards