All Leadership articles – Page 211

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    Neil Goodwin on charismatic leadership


    Leadership was ever present during a recent vacation in New England. There was, of course, the national presidential election and the administration's financial bailout debacle, which The New York Times summarised as an absence of national leadership.

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    Andrew Jones on NHS leadership and creativity


    I have just thrown yet another leadership conference leaflet in the bin. Thinking back over the past year, quite a few similar fliers have followed the same trajectory.

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    Clinical leadership in out of hours services


    The Department of Health has signalled that it may allow practice-based commissioning consortiums to take over commissioning out of hours services. Rick Stern explains why this would be good for patients and budgets

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    Linda Havard on changing the face of NHS leadership


    Lord Darzi's next stage review talks about increasing clinical leadership in the NHS. By encouraging leaders to be practitioners, partners and leaders, he hopes to drive through the quality agenda.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Allied health professionals and clinical leadership


    All health professionals - not just doctors - need to embrace clinical leadership if Lord Darzi's vision for the NHS is to be realised. Roland Petchey explains allied health professionals' role in driving change

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    John Coakley on the quest for medical leadership


    There seems to be an increasing demand for clinical, and in particular medical, leadership. Lord Darzi's next stage review recommendations and the reviews of healthcare being conducted across strategic health authorities will not work without it.

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    Transformational leadership in a transformed NHS


    To make patient care truly effective, all doctors need to develop the skills of transformational leadership, as Graham Neale explains

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    Quint Studer on effective NHS leadership


    Lord Darzi's bold recommendations for the NHS on its 60th anniversary have caused quite a stir in the UK and created many challenges for NHS leaders.Some of the goals set forth in the review are ambitious, but they are not insurmountable.

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    Kevin Fickenscher on collaborative IT leadership


    When the NHS was created 60 years ago, no-one could have imagined the groundbreaking work the service does today, or even the role technology plays in enabling clinicians to deliver care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    On course for clinical leadership


    The chief medical officer's four clinical advisers explain their role and how it is helping to embed medical leadership in the NHS

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    The new NHS leadership challenge


    Developing new leaders is a strategic decision not an HR one, argues Chris Roebuck, and line managers should get started right away

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    David Levy on the changing face of clinical leadership


    Clinical leadership is changing in response to Lord Darzi's review of the NHS, but the changes have not been uniform across the health community.

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    Steve Feast on breaking through to leadership roles


    Considering how many talented clinicians there are in the NHS leadership ranks, relatively few actually make the transition from local clinical leadership roles to senior system-wide or executive positions.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Embedding leadership in medical training


    Medical training must increase its emphasis on leadership skills if the aims of Lord Darzi's review of the health service are to be realised

  • News

    Double act for IT leadership


    The Department of Health has selected the two IT chiefs who will fill Richard Granger's former position at the top of its NHS Connecting for Health agency.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Preparing clinicians for leadership


    Lord Darzi's review of the NHS emphasises medical leadership as one of the keys to driving up quality in the health service. Oliver Warren describes one programme that is helping to make this a reality

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    Stepping up to primary care leadership


    A leadership development project set up by Bedfordshire primary care trust and the Royal College of Nursing is helping nurses and therapists develop new skills and improve patient care

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    Linda Havard on unlocking clinical leadership


    Lord Darzi's next stage review focuses on the importance of healthcare delivery, but at the expense of the details. Are local authorities up to the challenge of meeting the review's grand vision?

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    New leadership team to take NHS IT forward


    The new leadership team to take forward the government's health IT programme has been announced by the Department of Health.Christine Connelly will be the first chief information officer for health and Martin Bellamy will be the director of programme and system delivery.

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    Steve Onyett on medical leadership


    The Darzi review has shed new light on the challenge of letting go of central control. The idea that staff can be clinicians, partners and leaders is an engaging way of conveying that leadership needs to be widely dispersed.