All Legal articles – Page 116

  • News

    Brighton and Sussex chief apologises for racial victimisation


    A hospital chief executive has publicly apologised and paid an out-of-court settlement to a member of staff who suffered race discrimination and victimisation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equitable access to primary care


    Andrew Daly explains how the Department of Health's equitable access to primary medical care programme is working to improve patient care

  • News

    Hospitals told data protection must uphold human rights


    Public sector bodies, particularly hospitals, could face large fines if they do not take action to ensure their data protection upholds human rights laws, a law firm has warned.

  • Comment

    Paul Dutton on failing NHS foundation trusts


    The Department of Health this month issued a consultation paper that rules out insolvency for hospital trusts that are failing financially, a move that risks undermining the original concept of what foundation trusts were meant to be and achieve.

  • News

    NHS Litigation Authority to increase legal fees


    The NHS Litigation Authority is set to increase the fees for its clinical negligence scheme for trusts next year in the face of rising legal costs and compensation payouts.

  • News

    NHS failure regime: up to 92 trusts may be culled


    The Department of Health expects to cull up to six hospital trusts a year under its new failure regime, figures in its impact assessment reveal.The document shows the DH expects to save £200m a year under the plans, which are out for consultation. It focuses on six trusts affected by ...

  • News

    Patient information consultation begins


    Connecting for Health has launched a consultation on the use of patient information. It wants the public and health professionals to give their views on the use of patient information for purposes such as health research and managing and planning care.

  • News

    Health Professions Council president re-elected


    The Health Professions Council has re-elected Anna Van der Gaag as council president.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dealing with misconduct - know the law


    Managers in charge of performance management and misconduct procedures need to be aware of potential problems and how to avoid them. Iain Patterson explains

  • News

    Scotland considers ban on commercial GP firms


    The Scottish Parliament is to consider a move to ban commercial companies from running GP surgeries north of the border. Scotland's first minister Alex Salmond hopes to push the measure through in a health bill.

  • News

    Police cells 'unsuitable' for Mental Health Act detentions


    Twice as many people are detained in unsuitable police custody for assessment under the Mental Health Act as are taken to hospital by police for this purpose, a report published by the Independent Police Complaints Commission has revealed.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Protecting emergency workers in the NHS


    The legal protection afforded to NHS workers varies considerably across the UK, a situation that could put some staff at risk. Ian Long explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Temporary health workers' rights


    Granting rights to agency workers will have implications that managers will need to get to the bottom of, says Janet Martin

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Treating children with severe medical problems


    Cases involving the treatment of children with chronic medical problems do not create legal precedents. Tracey Lucas explains why each decision taken by the courts must reflect what is in the child's best interests at the time

  • News

    Doctors' memory sticks threaten data security


    Hospital doctors are carrying 'hundreds of thousands of kilobytes' of sensitive and identifiable patient information around on memory sticks with no security protection, a survey has found.

  • Leader

    Trusts survey the wreckage as PFI hospitals begin to crumble


    Arcane accountancy rules are in danger of costing the NHS control of some of its buildings. As HSJ reveals this week, the Treasury's decision to adopt new international accountancy standards is pushing trusts with private finance initiative debts to consider hiving off their estate to charities.

  • News

    PFI plan could keep debts off NHS trusts' balance sheets


    NHS trusts may hand their private finance initiative hospitals over to specially created charities to avoid reporting PFI debts on their balance sheets, HSJ has learned.The controversial plans would involve trusts ceding control of the hospitals to a third party.

  • News

    Fujitsu may bring £700m action over IT deal


    The Department of Health has refused to comment on reports that former national IT programme contractor Fujitsu is considering suing over the business it lost when its contract was terminated in March.

  • News

    Sacked nurse begins claim for unfair dismissal


    A nurse who was sacked for speaking out about spending cuts takes her case for unfair dismissal to a tribunal today.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legislation on international medical graduates


    Confirmation that international medical graduates cannot be excluded from training posts will have significant consequences for NHS employers. Afrene Campbell explains