All Legal articles – Page 121

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Agency workers: who is in charge around here?


    A recent court case brought by an agency worker highlighted the need to widen the protection of temporary employees. Stuart Jones investigates

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Capping private patient income


    As the debate over the private patient income cap governing foundation trusts intensifies, Oliver Pritchard takes a closer look at the legal background of the issue

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equal... or else


    The consequences are set to get a lot more serious for trusts which fail to meet their race equality obligations, writes Rachael Heenan

  • News

    Monitor fights shy of legal tussles


    Monitor will seek to avoid tightening the rules on income from private patients because it fears legal reprisals from foundation trusts, HSJ has learned.

  • News

    Trust reveals price of advice on chief's payout


    Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust has revealed it spent nearly £23,000 on legal advice over the severance payment to its former chief executive Rose Gibb.

  • News

    Fraud charges


    Two former directors of a private hospital group have been charged with conspiracy to defraud the NHS.The move by Norfolk police follows an investigation lasting more than a year into financial irregularities at Cawston Park Hospital, one of three psychiatric hospitals run by Chancellor Care. The NHS Counter Fraud and ...

  • News

    Ministers vs GPs: how did it come to this?


    The GP contract talks have been played out for the public, with both sides taking to the airwaves. Ingrid Torjesen explores why a couple of extra hours a week has created such a conflict

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Under scrutiny: preparing for the new NHS counter-fraud measures


    Ian Long examines new investigative powers that will leave trusts open to ever-greater scrutiny

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Under scrutiny: preparing for the new NHS counter-fraud measures


    Ian Long examines new investigative powers that will leave trusts open to ever-greater scrutiny

  • News

    Monitor blocks Unison court move on private patient income


    Monitor has attempted to block Unison's judicial review by launching a three-month consultation into its interpretation of the foundation trust private patient income cap.

  • News

    Care 'top-up' ban may face day in court


    A leading solicitor has warned that the government's ban on NHS patients 'topping up' their care will end up before the courts.

  • News

    Monitor takes third way on private patient income


    The foundation trust regulator Monitor has revealed it will take action in response to the threat of a judicial review over its guidance to trusts on expanding private patient work.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Equality duties


    Despite the scathing and sceptical reaction from the press, the decision to implement a policy which provides for seriously ill Muslim patients to have their beds turned to faceMeccais a sensible and pragmatic action.It comes in response to the positive equality duties which are now imposed on NHS trusts in ...

  • News

    Dental regulator takes company to court


    The General Dental Council has launched legal proceedings against a company it claims has been illegally operating a dental business.Community First for Treatment is accused of receiving payment for dental work in two practices in Peterborough and Boston. The GDC claims that, contrary to the law, the majority of the ...

  • News

    Unison takes Monitor to court in wake of income cap silence


    Unison has launched judicial review proceedings against foundation trust regulator Monitor in a bid to stop trusts using arm's-length organisations to expand private patient work.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    User independent trusts: the basics


    Jill Mason explains what user independent trusts are, how they work, and the legal issues surrounding their creation

  • News

    Mental health review group named


    Members of the group that will undertake a limited review of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 have been announced.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A guide to the new NHS consultation obligations


    The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act became law on 30 October 2007. As its name implies, much of it is concerned with local government matters. However, key sections look set to alter the consultation obligations of NHS bodies.

  • News

    Dr Foster web deal 'violated probity'


    The former chief of the NHS Information Centre has tried to overturn a confidentiality agreement preventing her from telling her version of why she left her post just days before a critical public accounts committee report.

  • News

    Ash's payout unlikely to mean flood of claims


    Actor Leslie Ash's £5m compensation will not lead to a flood of successful complaints, the NHS Litigation Authority has underlined.