All Legal articles – Page 126

  • News

    Smoking ban in place


    It is now illegal to smoke in virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces in England. Health secretary Alan Johnson said the move was the single most important public health legislation for a generation.

  • News

    New warning over Mental Health Bill


    A campaign group has outlined 'major outstanding concerns' over the Mental Health Bill, despite improvements made by MPs.

  • News

    Witness dates announced for NICE inquiry


    NHS Confederation chief executive Dame Gill Morgan is to give evidence to the health select committee's inquiry into the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence on 12 July.

  • News

    Judicial review over GP pensions


    The British Medical Association has been granted a judicial review over the decision to limit the pensions of GPs.

  • News

    Generic drugs row settled


    The Department of Health has announced a joint settlement with Goldshield (Goldshield Group Plc, Goldshield Pharmaceuticals Ltd and Forley Generics Limited) over claims brought against the company for allegedly attempting to price fix in an anti-competitive cartel when supplying generic drugs to the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: preparing for the smoking ban


    On 1 July, it will become a criminal offence to smoke in enclosed places in England. David Lock explains the wider implications of the ban

  • News

    Tories set out vision for NHS


    Conservative leader David Cameron and shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley have set out plans to improve autonomy and accountability in the NHS.

  • News

    More trusts fail to meet hygiene code


    The Healthcare Commission has said more trusts are declaring non-compliance with its hygiene code than did last year.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: private care homes and the human rights anomaly


    Under current legislation, the Human Rights Act.applies only to public authorities and those performing public functions - private care homes. Corinne Slingo and Rachael Heenan explain the law and its implications

  • News

    Children's charity criticises 'confused' Mental Health Bill


    The Mental Health Bill presents a 'confused picture', children's mental health charity YoungMinds has warned. The charity is concerned that 700 children per year voluntarily admitted to psychiatric wards will be left without an independent voice.

  • News

    NHS organisations advised to prepare for 'corporate killer' stigma


    NHS boards have been warned to prepare themselves for the implications of the Corporate Manslaughter Bill, which is currently working its way through Parliament.

  • News

    Scientists join row over access to patient records


    Medical researchers were branded 'cavalier and arrogant' while giving evidence to the health select committee's electronic patient records inquiry last week. The researchers, answering questions from MPs, argued that they should not always be obliged to ask patients' permission to see their medical records.

  • News

    Mental Health Bill amendments


    The government has made new amendments to the Mental Health Bill.

  • News

    Legal briefing: foundation trusts test the waters on mergers and acquisitions


    Following the first merger between a foundation trust and an NHS trust earlier this year,.other acquisitions are now in the pipeline. Melanie Print reports on recent developments.and asks whether private sector purchasers will be able to get involved

  • News

    Tide turns on health secretary's 'undermining' local influence


    The health secretary's influence over local decisions means the system has 'no credibility', according to key observers. Oliver Evans reports on moves to curb her power

  • News

    Leak reveals plan for Ofcare regime of fines and closures


    Underperforming trusts will face fines and closure under powers given to new health and adult social care regulator Ofcare, HSJ has learned.

  • Comment

    Ofcare: 'Ambitions and metrics' mark launch of a new regulatory era


    'Ofcare's performance framework commences with mea culpa, admitting what healthcare professionals have been telling the Department of Health for years - top-down targets undermine innovation, motivation and accountability to communities'

  • News

    Make a splash with your merger: planning for success


    To succeed in the mergers and acquisitions game, trusts must plan carefully, say Martin Jacobs and Steve Saunders

  • News

    David Lock on continuing care liability


    'The dividing line between healthcare and social care has been the subject of numerous legal cases, endless guidance, appeals to and reports by the parliamentary ombudsman and more than a few scratched managers' heads over the years'

  • News

    Legal briefing: defending equal pay claims


    The introduction of Agenda for Change.has sparked numerous claims of unequal pay in the health service. Tina Elliott discusses the legal foundation of such claims and how trusts are defending them.