All Legal articles – Page 129

  • News

    Legal age to buy tobacco to rise


    The legal minimum age to buy tobacco is to rise from 16 to 18 on 1 July. The move is intended to make it easier for retailers to spot under-age smokers and reduce the numbers of teenagers who smoke. A campaign to raise awareness of the change will be launched ...

  • News

    Mike White on politics


    'Would an NHS constitution require primary legislation? How would an arm's-length board be accountable? Tricky'

  • News

    Michael White on politics


    What made me flinch wasn't those weekend reports that UK cancer patients are turning to Canadian online pharmacies for drugs they cannot yet get on the NHS.

  • News

    Media watch


    The Suncalled it the 'Doctors' check-up' and the Daily Expressan 'MOT to weed out dodgy doctors'.

  • News

    Trust scores legal victory


    A hospital trust has won its battle to reconfigure its service - after a judicial review upheld the legality of its decision.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Turnaround strategies and the law


    Many NHS bodies are developing turnaround plans to achieve financial recovery. The implementation of these raises complex legal issues, particularly on patient and public involvement and employment law. Graeme Trigg reports

  • News

    European directive could hamper electronic records


    Key planks of the electronic patient record could break European law, the Commons health select committee has been told.

  • News

    Preferential pay-off deals protected


    Staff facing the axe under NHS restructuring will be protected from worsened redundancy and retirement terms resulting from new anti-age discrimination laws.

  • Comment

    Michael White: parliamentary deadlock


    'Parliament is deadlocked on serious issues that may end up in a 'ping pong' test of wills'

  • News

    Commission orders trusts to provide proof of non-discrimination policies


    A hospital trust and a primary care trust have been served with legal notices giving them 28 days to prove they do not discriminate against disabled patients or staff.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sea change in health scrutiny


    As the future of health scrutiny grows increasingly complex, healthcare professionals and local government must ride the wave and forge new relationships, reports Sasha Strong

  • News

    Pressure group celebrates MTAS legal ruling


    Pressure group Remedy UK is claiming a 'mild victory' following a judicial review into the medical training and application system.

  • News

    'Sliding scale' for misconduct burden of proof


    Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson looks set to modify controversial proposals to reduce the burden of proof in cases of medical misconduct and instead introduce a 'sliding scale' based on the seriousness of allegations.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: franchising


    Merger with a successful foundation trusts may seem the obvious solution for failing trusts. Indeed, the first such merger between Heart of England and Good Hope is well under way. But merging a successful trust with an unsuccessful target will not necessarily create a financially viable organisation, and the risks ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: consultation


    The rule 'he who pays the piper picks the tune' does not apply directly to the NHS but legal consultation duties come some way close. The NHS is a public service so all the money it spends is coughed up by the public in taxes. Consultation duties are about giving ...

  • News

    MPs return to redress bill


    The NHS Redress Bill returns to the House of Commons this week. The bill aims to introduce simpler, faster ways of responding to low-value clinical negligence cases. Conservatives will seek to defend key amendments won earlier this year in the House of Lords.

  • News

    Mental Health Bill campaigners rue 'missed opportunity'


    Campaigners have hailed the passing of the Mental Health Bill as a 'missed opportunity'.

  • News

    Former chief exec calls for more private beds for children


    Commissioners should make greater use of the independent sector to stop children from being placed on adult mental health wards, a former mental health trust chief executive has said.

  • News

    Trust fights on in battle to expose 'mole'


    An NHS trust's seven-and-a-half-year legal fight to uncover the mole who leaked details of Moors Murderer Ian Brady's treatment while on hunger strike is to continue, despite estimated costs of over £1m.

  • News

    'Balance right' on revised mental health bill


    The government is digging its heels in over the Lords' amendments to the Mental Health Bill.