All Legal articles – Page 47

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Hunt to force trusts to publish avoidable deaths data


    Jeremy Hunt will introduce new regulation to force NHS trusts from March 2017 to estimate and publish how many of its deaths might have been preventable He was responding to today’s CQC deaths review, and said he was accepting all its recommendations Avidable death data to be published quarterly ...

  • cyber security

    Cyber attack trust reveals details of ransomware virus


    Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT says it was hit by ransomware Trust confirmed it did not pay a ransom as a result of cyber attack Claims the virus entered the trust’s network through a USB stick “have no grounding in fact”, trust director says The cyber attack experienced ...

  • arrested, crime, punishement, penalised

    NHS management fraudster convicted for second time


    Conrad de Souza pleaded guilty to six counts of fraud at Croydon Crown Court yesterday He was jailed for 27 months in 2011 after lying about being a doctor at Lewisham PCT for nine years In 2013 and 2014 he applied for a number of jobs he knew he ...

  • DNA_screen

    NHS Digital vindicated in patient data confidentiality row


    NHS Digital is compliant with anonymisation code of practice, ICO says Ruling concerned sharing records from 1.2 million patients who asked for their data not be shared Researchers say ruling shows “robust system of safeguards to protect data” is in place Campaigners say patients’ right to opt out of ...

  • Ben clover expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    London Eye: Keeping NHS England happy


    Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by Ben Clover

  • Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Former directors will not be pursued over unauthorised payments


    Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals Trust made three sets of additional payments to non-executives that were not approved by health secretary Two NEDs refused to repay the money and will not be pursued by the trust NHS Improvement accepts concerns over “continuity of oversight” Two former non-executive ...

  • Pensions
    HSJ Local

    NHS 'opt out' pension scheme deemed legal


    Pensions Regulator rules East and North Hertfordshire Trust’s new opt-out pension scheme as legal Despite criticising a similar scheme earlier this year, NHS Pension Board says trust is “entitled to engage its staff” on “alternative employment” offers Trust says the scheme appears “successful” and is considering extending offer ...

  • Humber bridge
    HSJ Local

    FT drops legal challenge to CCG over lost contract


    Humber Foundation Trust drops legal challenge to CCG over contract award Commissioners say successful bidder will be announced “shortly” A struggling foundation trust has withdrawn a High Court legal challenge over its losing out on a five-year community services contract.

  • law
    HSJ Local

    Former hospital trust director pleads guilty to corruption


    A former hospital trust director has admitted corruptly awarding an IT contract while in the role.

  • board managers

    Interim managers to pay equal tax under new rules


    Autumn statement document reveals plan to make “off-payroll” workers pay more tax Treasury says public sector employers will be responsible for tax after April 2017 Concerns over costs of off-payroll workers have increased in recent years Explainer: The rules on off-payroll payments “Off-payroll” workers in the NHS, such ...

  • Commons_chamber

    Law change needed to reform NHS investigations, says minister


    Minister says primary legislation will be needed to deliver “safe space” reforms Philip Dunne says NHS culture needs to be “turned around” to extend reforms locally New chief investigator had told MPs safe space should be for HSIB only Health minister Philip Dunne has told MPs primary legislation ...

  • European Parliament

    Exclusive: CCGs may bypass EU tendering rules


    Clinical commissioning groups look set to take a contrasting approach to NHS England over new tendering rules – due to the potential administrative burden and a “ridiculous timescale” that would need to be met.

  • David_Prior

    Minister reveals details of NHS Professionals selloff


    Lord Prior confirms plans to sell NHS Professionals Government will retain a minority stake in the temporary staff supplier Ministers want the company to expand its services to more trusts The government has reiterated its commitment to selling a majority stake in NHS Professionals so the company can ...

  • scales_of_justice
    HSJ Local

    Trust launches High Court challenge over contract loss


    Humber Foundation Trust launches a legal challenge after losing out on a multimillion pound, five year contract Trust asks High Court to investigate the criteria used by commissioners to award the contract to another provider East Riding of Yorkshire CCG confirms legal action has been taken but not who ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England loses landmark drug appeal


    Court of Appeal upholds judgment that NHS England has power to commission PrEP If NHS England commissions drug it could result in other treatments earmarked for funding not being commissioned Judge criticises Lansley reforms for creating “bureacratic squabbles” between NHS and local government on funding responsibilitie NHS England ...

  • pills
    HSJ Local

    Neglect by trust contributed to patient death, report finds


    Neglect by mental health trust contributed to death of patient while she was waiting for admission to inpatient bed Coroner said she was “unlikely” to have died had she been admitted Healthcare assistant was allowed to administer controlled drug unsupervised Chief executive and coroner highlight national issue of lack ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Royal college drops threat of legal action against trust


    Royal College of Midwives has agreed not to take any action against University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay RCM had criticised the trust for revealing details of unusual exit deal for senior midwife Statement says revealing the deal was a “unique situation” and union and employer responsibilities “do not always ...

  • Iceberg

    Never events are just the tip of the iceberg


    Being overly concerned with “never events” risks us missing wider, more important patient safety lessons, says Michael Devlin

  • David hill

    STPs must stay the right side of the law


    It is crucial to design sustainability and transformation plans well if their good work is not to be derailed by legal challenges

  • Surgery

    Private providers get chance to bid for up to £15bn of NHS contracts


    New EU rules means up to £15bn of specialised services contracts have been advertised for the first time Contracts will be awarded to incumbent providers unless expressions of interest are received Tight timetable and service groupings may work against private sector bidders Private providers have been given the ...