All Legal articles – Page 48

  • Vote leave

    Brexit offers opportunity to reform regulators, says Hunt


    Health secretary says Brexit gives an opportunity for professional regulation reforms David Cameron promised reform of Nursing and Midwifery Council after 2013 Francis inquiry Jeremy Hunt says it was important government made changes to speed up responses Brexit could offer the government an opportunity to reform professional regulators, ...

  • scales_of_justice

    Drive to cut litigation costs may be extended 'throughout the NHS'


    Health secretary says aim of maternity plans is to improve learning and reduce incidents of harm New “safe space” legislation to protect clinicians will not prevent families receiving information, says Jeremy Hunt Safe space will not stop action being taken against people where there are risks to patients or ...

  • Police
    HSJ Local

    Mental health trust apologises over killings linked to patients


    A mental health trust has apologised to families after a critical review of 10 killings found that it underestimated the risks posed by some of its patients.

  • Premature baby

    Trusts offered incentives to improve maternity safety


    Insurance premiums to be linked to maternity service performance Up to £40,000 available for each trust for maternity training Trusts will be asked to commit to steps to improve safety Trusts that demonstrate better outcomes in maternity care will be rewarded with reductions in the premiums they pay ...

  • Warrington Hospital

    Hospital director denies 'impropriety' over 'irregular' payoff deal


    The trust director who agreed an unusual and “very irregular” exit deal for a senior midwife at the centre of a care scandal has denied any “impropriety”.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt aims to 'dismantle' maternity litigation culture


    Health secretary to announce voluntary compensation scheme to “dismantle” litigation culture Families to be offered independent investigations and new support under scheme Actions include new investment to help halve rates of neonatal death, stillbirth, maternal death and brain injuries by 2030 Families who suffer harm after failings in ...

  • Prison
    HSJ Local

    Senior CCG leader jailed for £145,000 fraud


    Nearly £145,000 taken from Bromley CCG through fraud Noel Morrow signed off cheques to his own companies Fraud uncovered after invoices were submitted on behalf of a discharged patient A senior commissioner who defrauded Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group of nearly £145,000 has been jailed for two years and ...

  • Jackie Daniel

    Royal college issues new 'threatening statement' to hospital trust


    Royal College of Midwives says it is considering taking action after exit deal revealed RCM accused of making “threatening statement” against the trust Former Morecambe Bay chair Sir David Henshaw says he had no knowledge of deal The Royal College of Midwives has today suggested it could take ...

  • boardroom

    Call for non-FTs to have greater freedom to deliver STPs


    NHS trusts should be allowed to set up shared service companies and be part of accountable care organisations to help deliver their sustainability and transformation plans, a leading healthcare law firm has said.

  • Jackie Daniel chief executive of University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trust chief threatened with injunction by royal college


    Royal College of Midwives threatened to injunct University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Trust Midwife Jeanette Parkinson was a union official for the RCM and received an “irregular” exit payment in 2012 Trust chief executive Jackie Daniel: “My judgement was clear about doing the right thing” The Royal College ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

    Exclusive: 'Irregular' payoff deal revealed at scandal hit trust


    Internal review at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay uncovers unusual exit payment deal Jeanette Parkinson, a senior midwife involved in the care failings at the trust, left it after the deal in spring 2012 It appeared to include a significant overpayment and a commitment by the trust not to ...

  • Law

    NHS England accused of 'abuse of public money' over legal appeal


    NHS England to appeal High Court judgment requiring it to prescribe a drug to teenager with narcolepsy Patient is soon to turn 18 and has already been told her local CCG will fund the drug from then Father says appeal is “ridiculous” and “abuse of public money” NHS England ...

  • Contract 3x2

    Final interviews for top regulator job next month


    Adverts for new ombudsman posted in national press and online Dame Julie Mellor has appointed Amanda Campbell as new PHSO chief executive Final panel interviews for successor to take place at end of November The search to replace Dame Julie Mellor as the parliamentary and health service ombudsman ...

  • Will hazell expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: A South West super-CCG?


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Injection

    GPs not returning to work due to 'huge' insurance costs, charities warn


    Returning GPs use commercial insurers at “huge cost” following rejection from major mutual insurers NHS England asked to “streamline” retraining process as “excessive” delays cause “financial hardship” for returning GPs Induction and refresher scheme “too slow and bureaucratic ” says RCGP “Excessive” delays in retraining and “huge” indemnity ...

  • Hand with pills

    Exclusive: Charity loses legal challenge to NHS England drug decision


    Hepatitis C Trust loses legal challenge to NHS England’s decision to cap access to new drugs for the disease Judge rules decision to roll out treatments via “monthly run rate” is “legitimate” and “rational” Charity argued that capping therapy approved as cost effective went against NICE rules The ...

  • Calculator
    HSJ Local

    Special measures CCG must 'think the unthinkable' to avoid £31m deficit


    Shropshire CCG reports £12.2m deterioration from plan in first four months of the year Legacy debts and acute provider overspends are largest cost pressures CCG faces a year-end deficit of £31m if it fails to make sufficient savings Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group is facing a potential £31m deficit ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: Hunt acted lawfully over junior doctors' contract, court rules


    Junior doctors lose legal case to stop new contract Judge rules health secretary’s decision was “within the scope of his lawful powers” Jeremy Hunt criticised for “loose” language during contract dispute Jeremy Hunt acted lawfully in his decision to press ahead with the new junior doctors’ contract, a ...

  • Dame Julie Mellor

    Exclusive: New investigation reveals full extent of watchdog’s failures


    PHSO was warned twice about concerns over her deputy’s involvement in cover-up Dame Julie Mellor did not read tribunal judgement until HSJ exposed her deputy’s actions in February Investigation concludes the PHSO’s structure “does not represent current thinking about good corporate governance” NHS ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor was ...

  • USBs

    NHS Digital grapples with 1.2 million patient data breaches


    NHS Digital still unable to respect data preferences of patients from 51 GP surgeries NHS Digital must contact 1.2 million patients before 19 October to tell them their confidential data may have been shared against their wishes More than a third of organisations that received unauthorised NHS data ...