All Legal articles – Page 5
Teaching trust accused of unfair treatment by supplier
A major London teaching trust has seen its decision to award a five-year waste management contract challenged by an unsuccessful bidder.
Expert Briefing
London Eye: Death during the 'Christmas Day' strikes
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by HSJ bureau chief Ben Clover.
ICB battling legal challenge over patient transport contracts
The award of two patient transport contracts, worth a combined £42m, by an integrated care board is being challenged in court by the losing bidder.
Chair quits trust after ‘irretrievable’ relationship breakdown with CEO
A hospital trust chair has quit over a dispute with its chief executive and made public several serious criticisms of her leadership.
HSJ Local
ICBs must pay £1.7m for competition failure
Three integrated care boards have had to pay £1.7m to a technology firm, after commissioners manipulated a procurement, new figures reveal.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: The new president’s in tray
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence
‘National legal services system’ proposed by NHSE
NHS England is looking to scale back spending on legal advice by rationalising the way local organisations procure and use services.
Expert Briefing
London Eye: Doctors think the board wants them to take risks with safety
Essential insight into England’s biggest health economy, by HSJ bureau chief Ben Clover.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Unsanctioned CEO payoff the least bad option
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
ICB drops procurement legally challenged by supplier
An integrated care board has dropped its procurement of a digital system after a health technology supplier launched a legal challenge accusing the ICB of breaking purchasing rules.
Provider fined record £1.5m over patient death
A private healthcare provider has been ordered to pay more than £1.5m – the largest fine issued for such a case – after pleading guilty in a criminal prosecution brought by the Care Quality Commission over an inpatient’s death.
Trust sued for damaging boat
An ambulance trust is being sued for £1.2m in damages after it damaged a boat off the Cornish coast, according to papers filed with the High Court.
Cap on legal fees to save NHS trusts £50m a year
New restrictions on the amount lawyers can charge trusts when bringing clinical negligence cases against them could save the NHS £50m a year, the government has claimed.
NHSE warns new policy creates risk for service ‘already under enormous pressure’
NHS England has warned the decision by police forces to respond to far fewer incidents involving people in mental distress could pose ‘risks’ to both patients and a service “already under enormous pressure”.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: ‘We are being watched’
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Trust and manager charged with manslaughter
North East London Foundation Trust has been charged with corporate manslaughter – making it only the second NHS provider to be prosecuted for the crime.
Expert Briefing
Mental Health Matters: Fears govt mothballing of reforms will halt service improvement
HSJ’s fortnightly briefing covering safety, quality, performance and finances in the mental health sector, by correspondent Emily Townsend — contact me in confidence.
More managers would ensure justifiable staff concerns are heard quickly
In light of the Lucy Letby case, to proactively identify and prevent unethical behaviour in the NHS, senior managers must analyse key events regarding staff voicing their concerns using a time-based perspective, write John Richmond, Dr Sarah Brooks and John Blenkinsopp
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Letby trust execs need a fair hearing
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Comms professionals can help prevent patient safety problems being swept under the carpet
In the wake of the Lucy Letby scandal, a former senior NHS communications professional points out the stark lessons the NHS should learn from the way it balances patient safety and reputation.