All Lib Dem conference 2014 articles
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No party should feel comfortable with their NHS position yet
None of the parties have had a decisive breakthrough
'Dilnot style' commission on ageing society proposed
The Liberal Democrats have proposed to set up a ‘Dilnot style’ cross-party commission on how the NHS can meet the needs of an ageing society.
Lib Dems call for 'equality of funding' for mental health
The Liberal Democrats have adopted a policy of moving to ‘equality of funding’ for mental health services – a pledge that, if enacted, would move around £13bn of funding into mental health from the acute sector.
Clegg: Mental health is our top priority
A Lib Dem government would invest in parity for mental health services
Clegg wants £500m mental health investment
The Liberal Democrats would seek to invest an additional £500m a year in mental health services if they formed part of another government, HSJ can reveal.
Lib Dems join the pre-election bidding war but will voters listen?
Both major parties’ pledges are implausible
The Lib Dems lack a compelling NHS narrative
Nick Clegg needs to put himself in the health policy story
Lib Dems lobby for more money for 2015-16 amid cash crisis fears
The Liberal Democrats are calling for the 2015-16 funding settlement for the NHS to be “in effect reopened” amid fears that an imminent cash crisis could lead to declining access to services and redundancies
Clegg will have to say something bold to win votes on the NHS
Lib Dems are divided over the party’s health policy
Lib Dems propose health and wellbeing boards commission primary care
The Liberal Democrats want GP services to be commissioned by health and wellbeing boards, according to a paper setting out the party’s likely policy direction in the run up to next year’s general election.