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CEO takes over third trust
A chief executive is taking over a third trust as part of a move to a city-wide group model.
‘Basic’ gaps left trusts exposed to cyber attacks
Two recent cyber attacks that cost the NHS millions of pounds and led to patients’ data being published online could have been mitigated with basic security measures, an integrated care board has found.
Revealed: Dozens of safety probes kept secret by trusts
Trusts are still keeping reports that reveal serious patient safety concerns secret, HSJ has discovered.
Fifth cyber incident in a week under investigation
Cyber security teams are investigating the fifth suspected attack on the NHS to have taken place last week.
Former nurse appointed as interim CEO
A trust whose chief executive is retiring after 40 years in the NHS has appointed an interim successor.
City’s five trusts to form £2bn ‘group’
A city’s five acute and specialist trusts have agreed to form a major £2bn hospital “group”.
Trust chief and cancer leader retiring after 40 years
The chief executive of two specialist trusts has announced her retirement less than a year after taking up the second of the roles.
City’s trusts agree to joint committee after ICB intervention
Five trusts in the city with the most separate NHS providers have agreed to form a joint committee at the request of the region’s integrated care board.
Two trusts in city with ‘hospital for every part of body’ to merge CEO role
The city with five separate specialist trusts will see two of its trusts share a single chief executive from early next year.
HSJ Local
Trust reviews leadership options as CEO leaves for scandal-hit neighbour
A scandal-hit acute trust has appointed the long-serving leader of a specialist provider as its substantive chief executive.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Magna Carta to ‘mandated support’
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Liverpool promises to change
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
HSJ Local
Trust merger ‘bedevilled with problems’, says key proponent
One of the key proponents of a major trust merger has told HSJ its implementation has been “bedevilled with problems”, and that leaders have so far failed to deliver its benefits.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Accountants take back control
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England. Contact me in confidence here.
Four in five trusts yet to reach digitisation target
Only one in five trusts has reached the level of digitisation required by 2025 – more than three years after the target was set, tech chiefs have revealed.
HSJ Local
NHSE prompts ICS review of city’s hospitals
NHS England has asked for an independent review to look into the configuration of hospital services in a city with six separate acute and specialist trusts.
HSJ podcast: How to fix an NHS trust
NHS trusts are getting better – that’s the view of the Care Quality Commission, at least, which now rates only a single organisation as “inadequate”, and two-thirds as “good” or “outstanding”, a big shift from five years ago.
HSJ Local
£2bn ‘hospital group’ under discussion
The prospect of creating a £2bn ‘group’ of hospital providers in Liverpool is under formal discussion, senior sources have told HSJ.
HSJ Awards
HSJ Value Awards 2021: Specialist Service Redesign Initiative
WINNER: Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHSFT, The Royal Devon & Exeter Hospitals NHSFT and NHSE/I Specialised Commissioning Improving Value and South West region teams: Enhanced Supportive Care in Cancer: Embedding Service Redesign, Improving Experience, Making a Difference. Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and Royal Devon & Exeter NHSFT joined the NHSE/I Enhanced Supportive ...
Revealed: The seven trusts getting £6m each for tech improvements
Seven trusts will receive £6m each over the next three years in the second phase of Matt Hancock’s plan to improve IT infrastructure in the health service.