All Local government articles – Page 26

  • Paul jenkins 3x2

    Devolution and metro mayors can redraw the mental health landscape


    London’s mayor will bring multiple benefits to the capital if he heeds the recommendations of the recent mental health taskforce

  • Carer with elderly man

    Millions diverted to social care from new homes bonus scheme


    Communities secretary Sajid Javid has confirmed councils will be able to raise the social care precept by 3 per cent in each of the next two years and that £240m is to be diverted from a housing scheme to fund social care services.

  • UK map

    Mapped: All 44 STPs published – full coverage


    Download every STP and see HSJ’s coverage of the plans on our map

  • social care one use

    Social care precept could rise to 3 per cent


    The government is set to allow councils to raise council tax by 6 per cent over the next two years to boost funding for social care, HSJ’s sister title Local Government Chronicle has reported.

  • Elderly man

    Council funding crisis 'not a reason' to block STPs, warn Stevens and Mackey


    The fact NHS budgets cannot be used to solve the social care funding crisis “is not a legitimate reason” for failing to press on with STPs, Simon Stevens and Jim Mackey have warned.

  • Manchester

    Regional review set to consider major overhaul of CCGs


    Leaders in Greater Manchester want to commission an independent review of the current commissioning arrangements in the region.

  • Michael Wood

    Capital financing options are plentiful, STPs need to think differently


    One common STP priority where the gap between ambition and reality seems particularly exposed is that of capital finance

  • Stockport
    HSJ Local

    Vanguard area plans to create new 'care trust'


    Stockport Foundation Trust and Stockport borough council to create a new accountable care trust New organisation would hold the contract for the area’s MCP plus other health and social care services Primary care contracts would not be included in the scope of “care trust” model Council and trust set ...

  • Contract 3x2

    Vanguard CCG tenders landmark new care model contract


    Dudley CCG begins procurement process for multispecialty community provider contract MCP contract may include budgets for adult social care Chief officer for Dudley CCG says it is the responsibility of providers to highlight risks and concerns about the MCP Dudley Clinical Commissioning Group has become the first CCG ...

  • Nurse5

    Region plans shake-up of nursing skill mix to save millions


    Changes in workforce skill mix with more support workers and reduced registered nursing input to deliver £34.2m savings National regulators will sit on Buckingham, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West STP board to ensure finance and quality targets are met Potential future restrictions on treatments as STP aims to save £60.2m ...

  • city of london

    London NHS organisations call for 'whole system' regulation


    STP requests national bodies regulate accountable care organisations as a “single system” rather than on an individual organisation basis North East London plan outlines capital investment needs of £500m-£600m and asks for central support to cover “above normal” PFI costs Footprint to set up GP practices with diagnostic capability, ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England loses landmark drug appeal


    Court of Appeal upholds judgment that NHS England has power to commission PrEP If NHS England commissions drug it could result in other treatments earmarked for funding not being commissioned Judge criticises Lansley reforms for creating “bureacratic squabbles” between NHS and local government on funding responsibilitie NHS England ...

  • Mark lloyd new site

    STPs will struggle without 'democratic' involvement, says council chief


    Councils’ involvement in drawing up sustainability and transformation plans has varied “significantly” across the country, Local Government Association chief executive Mark Lloyd has said.

  • Social care minister David Mowat

    Minister insists STPs will 'not go ahead' without council approval


    Social care minister David Mowat has said sustainability and transformation plans would not be signed off by government if they fail to address council’s social care needs.

  • Town hall sign

    Seven councils reject STP submissions


    Hammersmith and Fulham, and Ealing councils reject north west London STP Both local authorities say they oppose the downgrade of Charing Cross Hospital assumed in the plan Leaders of the five west Yorkshire councils say they have not been given proper scrutiny of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate plan ...

  • Michael Wood

    Local democracy should be a counterweight to NHS grip


    The NHS has always had an uneasy relationship with local democracy. Caught between the competing demands of the system’s centre and their communities, STP leaders need to learn how to work with their locally elected representatives to maintain the equilibrium, writes Michael Wood

  • Simon Stevens

    Exclusive: Simon Stevens hits back at 'NHS first' criticism


    NHS England chief executive hits back at criticism of the STP process STPs were never designed to answer national questions on social care funding, says Simon Stevens Mr Stevens tells Birmingham council chief that STPs are able decide for themselves what share of funding social care receives NHS ...

  • Mark Rogers

    Top council chief criticises Stevens and Mackey for 'NHS first' bias


    Birmingham council chief and STP lead hits out at NHS England’s tendency to “sort the NHS out first” Mark Rogers complains about use of sustainability funds for acute deficits Calls for joined up national approach to STP and says engagement has been “flawed” Says better care fund “has not ...

  • Northampton General Hospital

    Acute services could merge under Midlands STP


    Single service models being developed for 10 acute pathways to “deliver efficiencies” Plans show that “political opposition”, “capital constraints” and “insufficient workforce” are all risks to implementation CCG plans MCP development and staff reorganisation that could result in redundancies STP wants to see “repatriation” of out of area NHS ...

  • 3009721 david williams expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Rethinking the care home


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View